Overwhelmed with life's events going on..
Last week, i was invited to a friend's engagement..very2 happy for them and insyaAllah they'll be married in December.
Umar Faruq's (beng) wedding will be this 15th, heard that they'll be going back to aussie untill beng finishes studies yea? very happy for them too...thanks for inviting us old schoolmates of yours..
Yeh finished his exams last 2 weeks, and insyaAllah will be doing umrah for a month in August. am so jealous of him and pray that i'll get a chance going there again..
Have done lots of sins in my whole life, but a little part of me always knows that Allah still loves me, and i really want to be a good muslimah..and I know Allah knows that.. :)(but i know that's not enough) insaf nad..insaf weeii..hehe..
Alfatihah to Arwah...mother of Abg Izar Azmi..
who passed away this morning, suffered frm breasts cancer..
~al fathihah~
Ya Allah,
Kau tempatkanlah dia, di tempat yang mulia..
Tempat yang Kau janjikan nikmat untuk hamba Mu...