Ummi works on this..for her li'l one :)
Abi, its gonna be Father's Day soon..not to mention, your first! hehe
Tell me what u want k? *hugs hugs*
Love you both!!
p/s received some disturbing news this morning..but telling myself not to worry about it. I've done my part..now is the time to doa and leave all to Allah :)
Nak kete ferari 15 bijik!
ok :D
guna program ape nad nak buat sume tu? kiut la
gune smilebox je miza hehe..google kat internet, then d/l to ur pc.
Tapi x best sgt yg ni..coz u actually need to pay utk save the thing..i had to printscreen huhu.
I dont want Adam to grow too fast either. ;)
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