Erfaan's First Birthday ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Adam's Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pick Pockets

Aku dah jadi mangsa. And it seems the pencurik target those yg bz layan anak sampai lupa nak keep an eye on the handbag yg taruk kat bahu..coz another couple jadi mangsa jugak at the same place, same time.

I was at Ikano, spesifically at Brands Outlet. While I tgk jeans, Mr Hubby layan Adam and vice versa. So masa aku dukung adam, tetibe dengar sumthing jatuh..I looked down tapi saw nothing. At the same time Adam sibuk nak tarik2 baju yg dia teruskan melayan Adam. Time nak bayar tengok2 dlm handbag, purse dah takde. Tanye My Hubby dia pun kata xde kat dia.

Mmg perasaan berkecamuk gila lah..kalau aku ni kaya raya gaji banyak xde la serabut mcm aku kot haha..terus mintak mngr dia tengokkan cctv and call cimb. Nampaknye mmglah dicuri sbb cimb inform yang sumone tried to withdraw by entering a wrong pin number 3 times sampai blocked. Alhamdulillah..

Brands outlet called later btau yang diorang x nampak ape2, speshly time aku kat blakang tiang or sumthing. Mmg sedih tapi bila pk2 balik..sebbaik pencuri tu teringat nak curi purse je..sebbaik bukan the whole handbag..sebbaik dia x culik Adam!! Walaupun sedih gila sbb hilang RM300 yg aku br withdraw time tu, sekali dgn ic, mykid, medical card aku ngan adam plus cimb atm kad..tapi sebbaik aku still ada Adam dan Abinya..

Yeh kate 'patut kita kene bersyukur..'

Ok, tapi jangan lupa jadikan incident yg berlaku kat aku ni sebagai pengajaran untuk semua..speshly to all moms and dads yg bz melayan karenah si Putera dan Puteri tercinta k?

MamasnPapas Baby bouncer RM11o

I'm selling these preloved items, which mostly came from The UK.
Thanks :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

A mess

The mess gets worst when someone told you ' kesian adam dapat mak macam you'.

Its not ok to say that as a joke, and in my was said because of anger, not joking around..which makes it a lot worst.

I have to move out..if not far least out.

I love my son with all my life..don't ever say that again..don't ever go overboard once more..

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bestest Birthday Ever :D

Such a wonderful surprise :)
Thank you abg for arrangin everything.. I love u with all my heart :)

Nanti tulis lg k? si kecik ni dah bgn nak susu hehe

Saturday, May 08, 2010


Lately I've been having nightmares..

1st Nightmare: Was at the beach..suddenly the water dried up! We (can't remember the we) went up to the high land and saw Tsunami coming in..the water was damn high. But then, it came like normal waves..

2nd Nightmare: Lost Adam

3rd Nightmare: My husband fake not knowing me somewhere

4th Nightmare: At the beach again, we went swimming me, yeh and adam. Then went to town to buy souvenirs, an elderly chinese asked if we went smimming in the sea? He told us that no one in that town will ever go there as there are ghosts in the sea. They will come for people who accidentally swallowed the sea water. Of course I was scared..coz swimming means swallowing some amnt of water anyway..and adam pun swim jugak :( Terus went to the hotel to gather our things..but on the way out can see words on the carpet appearing 'Will Kill"..huhu

5th Nightmare: Everytime ppl sleep, I can see a ghost. Its a she. Wearing white long dress, short hair and her head slightly tilted. She looks like one of my schoolmate in smkaks. She will rasuk me, strangle me and do whatever she likes. I was more than scared!! Later when she had enough, she told me..ok, you're so weak..I changed my mind..I dont wanna haunt you. She put something in me and said..there..take it back.
I woke up it was 7am..haih..x sempat subuh :(

Above is the only nightmare I remembered..there was a whole lot more. Tapi there was 1 time I woke up with the words in my ears 'Diversion diverted'. Haha..apetah kan?

At work, they told me..our Gold Coast flight got diverted to Brisbane due to some weather issues :p..Luckily that wasnt a nightmare at work..coz later the flt managed to land in Gold Coast after all :)

Monday, May 03, 2010

Basikal baru Adam!

Adam dan beskal baru

Ingat x aku cerita pasal beskal yg Adam dapat masa birthday dia haritu?
Ha..tadi petang kitorang berrehlah kat taman tasik dekat masjid besi putrajaya tu..cun!! Adam sememangnye la hepi sebab dapat tgk air :D

Oh dan sebelum kite layan gambar..aku nak bitau berita penting ni!! Adam dah tumbuh gigi!!! Berjalan pun dah makin pandaii..alhamdulillahh..

Ok, meh layan gambar!

Cepat2 pegang kunci kereta pastu terus jalan gi pintu bile kitorang sebut 'jom', 'car' atau 'ikut' :P

Adam dan beskal..dan ummi hehe

Syok tgk air abi, like son

Seronok sungguh tgk abi dia buat lawak

Syok la kan..bukan selalu dapat bawak Adam jalan weekend kalau free kite gi jalan2 lg okeh?? Sape nak join meh laa..hik hik

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Mo'men dah sampai mesia!!

Ha..dulu masa kat mesir selalu jugak la makan Mo'men ni..mase pregnant lebih2 la lagi sbb masa pregnant xleh makan nasik! haha mengada betul...

Masa nak balik dulu dah bye2 dah Mo'men ni sbb rasa2 mcm x dtg dah kot Mesir..rupa2nya Mo'men ikut kitorang balik!! haha yeyy :D So sape2 yg masih lg dok kat Mesir..yg sungguh takut nak balik Mesia kot2 xde Mo'men, haa..xyah takut2 dah..Skang korang dah bleh balik, sbb Mo'men dah sampai kat Mesia!

Mesia?? Katne?? Dekatje..kat Shah Alam ss7.. Cakap banyak pun x guna..
Meh layan gambar..

Ha tu tengok..besar lagi tuh haa

Encik yehmaster sibuk makan sampai nak juling tu sedap la maksudnye tu..haha ampunn :P

Close up lagi sket makanan tuh..kan sama tuu!!

Adam makan sampai camtu la kan..dulu makan dlm perut je haha :P

Family day..shy gi amik plastik..tu ha..siap ade pak arab lg jadi waiter..dasat tak??
Ha..sile la try..