ok here goes :D
7 random facts about me:
1. dah 5 bulan kawen
2. baru pegnen ~ngee :P
3. suke buli org specially encik abgyeh
4. suke gi jalan2
5. xleh sgt dok rumah lame
6. xleh dok diam
7. suke jerit2 dan merapu :P
7 things that scares me:
1. takut hukuman Allah
2. takut 'kehilangan' ape2 pun
3. berat makin bertambah (kalau pregnen xpela..tu pun kene dlm kawalan..pasal aku ni pendek, kalau makin gomok, nampak makin pendek la kan hehe)
4. takut tikus
5. takut gelap
6. takut jalan sorang2..nanti mulela ter imagine ade org jahat tengah ikut la ape la :P
7. takut pandang cermin malam2..terpengaruh dgn citer hantu zaman kanak2 hehe
7 random music:
aa pasal music ni aku layan je sme..kecuali yg ade lirik yg bongek ataupun suare2 dan musik yg bleh buat aku sakit kepale..
7 things i say the most:
1. uii bestnye
2. whateverr..sambil jeling mata keatas :P
3. ala kesiannye die..
4. lebiu!! u lebme??? ngee :D
5. aku dah pegnen!! (just started recently hehe)
6. lapa nye...
7. jom kua??
7 things i treasure most:
1. the family
2. My dearest encik abgyeh
3. My bffs (mun, shy, tim, aja, hawa dll) and girl friends :D
4. everyone who came to the wedding
5. my phone (actually sold yeh's old one for this new sony ericsson k710i..ke apetah nama hp ni hehe)
6. ppl who loves me or ppl wo remembers my birthday or at least remember me
7. skolah qurratul ain shah alam..gile rindu skolah tu, ngan ustazah/ustaz die..ngan kawan2..ngan sume2 lah..
7 'first time' things i ever did:
1. kawen
2. pegnen, and btau kawan2 n family bout the news
3. duduk serumah ngan encik abg yeh :P
4. jalan2 deting kat mesir
5. cube cakap arab ngan org mesir mase nak beli barang
6. experimental cooking :P ye la..dok mesir mane bleh beli lauk kat luar kan..jadi bile teringin terpakse la buat2 pandai masak..wakaka
7. tak berkerja..lepak2 je kat rumah (best rupenye hehe)
7 ppl to do this:
1. mieza
2. shy
3. ignita
4. angah - sile la update blog ko tuuhh heheh
5. safiyah
6. kak opin hehe
7. encik abgyeh :D
1 comment:
omigod omigod omigod..ur pregggyyyyy hehehehee
cam tak caye jee..wah2 congrats...aku ni sebulan setengah tak dtg period laie tau tak..(if only im married bleh la get excited tp ni pasal stress hahah..tetttt)
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