I'm officially 62kg till date, mmg gemok pun hehehe
So since hubby has started working, I need to go for checkups by myself lah kan..but not alone lah, I brought my bibik with me :D
First we went to Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya, only to find out that theres another 50ppl before my turn. So off we went to Klinik Lita Alis in Bangi to do my checkups with Dr Intan (she is extremely nice ok).
On the way bibik kate 'bibik rase lelaki laaa'. Hehe 'we'll see' I said, with no faintest idea if this li'l thing is a boy or a girl.
Kitorang (me & yeh) takkesah pun girl ke boy, janji sehat. Tapi tu lah, stengah mommy-to-be dah dpt rase she's carrying either a boy or a girl kan..aku mcm blur gile heh :P
So at the klinik mase tengah scan, Dr Intan dah start gelak2.
Dr Intan: Harituh kite xtau lagi gender die kan??
Aku: ha'ah..
Dr Intan: Hehe..cube tengok kat tuuut die ni..ade bulat tu..tu buah die la tu
Aku: ek?? ahahahaha kiutnye :P
Dr Intan: So 80% boy lah..lagi 20% tu maybe yg kite nampak mcm buah die ni, sebenarnye tali pusat die bergumpal..tapi so far, 80% boy lah :D
Mase scan tu the baby was very2 active!
Baring sambil silang kaki i tell youu.. (just like the abi hehe)
After the scan aku terus msg yeh btau the news..hehe sian die jeles x dpt tengok baby..
sorry abg, next time k? :D
So skang ni baby is growing as per normal, berat dah 1kg++, kepale die pun kat bawah..so everything is so far so good :)
She is superbly cute!!
Thanks KakMel and Maya!! Muaxx!
wakh anak aku jadi model...u wana bn top? hahahah..
thanks Nad for everything!! love u always..okaylah love Yeh too and the bakal menantu (??) hahahaha
laki ek..wahh..bagus la tu hehe
eh ur latest tudung tu kan..menarik la plak gue tgk hehe..yg chiffon tu..tp tu la, takut big boss tak bagi huhu
huhu.. mcm boy eh?? x kesahlar kan nad?? aku ni mcm2 orglar nak teke boy ke girl.. hehe.. tp mcm klakar jer dah nak jd mak org dah.. tp takut gak.. wuu.. seram.. seram...
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