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Thursday, July 28, 2011

To stay or not to stay..To do or not to do..

Its a love-hate r'ship with my current job..lov it coz bos is professional n time is flexible..hate it coz got to always drive around and get my claims lambat plus always have to stay back and work sat n sun shd I find a new job?

Or.. shd I start doing part time?
PB is way expensive, nak beli satu pun tarak duit...abis kalau xde pengalaman pakai cemana nak jual?

Score A is good..I see my bro using it and I know its good..but 2k++..pun tak ada..buat loan? x berani sbb...ade la..huhu

Life oh Life..


Our Hopes and Dreams said...

my advice is, do what's best for u.

semua mende ada pros and cons. be it ur main income or ur side income. main income xyh modal coz kite keje ofis hehe. side income semua mende memerlukan modal.

yang penting ada semangat. tu je.
dh byk mende kita try kita buat halfway kan, ape kata kali ni kita buat all out.

hal PB semua tu xpe..skang mungkin pening pale, nnt kita jumpa u'll get a better picture.

sabar nad :)

nad said...

So truee!! i dah banyak buat benda halfway..this time takmo dah...tu yg kene survey betul2 kan..sbb takut nnti semangat je ade tapi x buat..haru biru duniaku ahaha