Erfaan's First Birthday ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Adam's Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Terime kaseh kepade sme yg dah confirm nak datang..mekaseh bebanyak..Ape2 email me or leave ur comment at this blog k? goes the answer to questions which were asked numerous times by numerous friends :P


16 December 2007 (we first dated 15 December 2003 heh)

7.50pm - 10pm

Perbadanan Putrajaya - Beside Maybank, Facing Palace of Justice, On the way to PICC

Parking : Road is big, hardly any cars.. can park by the road side ;)

Theme Colour : Family will be wearing maroon

Food : ServedSeating: Free


Akad nikah (family):

15 December 2007

My house:

No 78 Presint 8E/162250 Putrajaya


Theme colour : Free

Perlis (bertandang):

22 December 2007

Yeh's house.Theme colour : Cream

pukul berape ek? 1230?

Insyaallah everything will be as planned..Amin :)

P/s Fy, you're always welcome to read my blog..sangat terharu reading ur email earlier today.I'll always always always cherish our friendship :D

Monday, November 26, 2007


Sunday & Monday

Jalan2 ngan shy, mun n tim kat shah alam.
Shy terpakse balik awal sunday tu..sian die letih.

Kitorang jln mcm org gile .. tujuan : aku nak beli jubah, baju dan mcm2 lg utk bawak gi mesir, plus baju utk mun jadi pengapit nnti.
Mlm tu gi uptown sambil mengheret skali tinah (adik tim). Aku suke tengok adik beradik x

Pagi tadi menghabiskan gaji kat tesco plak..letih tp puas ati.

masuk2 klinik, rupenye bukan dokte yg best..dapat dokte pempuan yg bising
kene marah dulu sebelum dapat mc, siap bagi warning lain kali klu aku sakit pun die takkan bagi mc.
elleh..eksen :P
tapi takpe..sebab dapat ..heh

Friday, November 23, 2007

Those were the days

Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And dreamed of all the great things we would do

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days

These are the lyrics which my mom thought me 11 years back.

And looking at the lyrics, I too may teach my children this song and leave them to figure the meanings, remember the long lost forgotten memories..and continue to live as young, as cheerful, as vibrant..

I'm not old, but I'm not as young..but I am young ;)

Truly enough, oldies are just the best

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Songs and their stories

Thanks to my encik yeh, ade jugak playlist kat blog nih :P

nak citer sketlah pasal lagu2 yg ade kat playlist tu ek

1. The Lion King 2 - We are One

Shy ajar nyanyi hehe :P

2. Travis - Flowers in the Window

lagu ni ade roomate punye bf nyanyi banyak lagu, plus main guitar dan compile dalam cd. mase tu rase bf die ni sangat cool .. tapi skang mcm tak je hehe

3. 12 Brown Eyes

lupe la..tapi lagu ni sedap pun

4. I Will Remember You

lagu ni klu x silap, jobaly masukkan dlm cd gambo farewell src 03/04. sangat touching oke..

5. Emilia.Big Big World.mp3

yg ni nadiatul raihan aka ann suke sangat nyanyi mase kat org lain ek? hehe

6. Spice Girls - Viva Forever

lagu ni mmg glemer dulu2 zaman skolah

7. Dolly Parton, Alison Krauss - Just When I Needed You Most

teacher nurul punye last day..kan shy? ingat x? hehe

8. Those Were The Days. Mary Hopkin.mp3

mase form 1, aku kene nyanyi dlm klas (kat smsu)..mak aku ngajo nyanyi lagu ni
pastu abah komplen suare aku tak sedap :P

9.Plain White Ts - Hey there delilah

ingat kat anak2 pak usu..

10. Don't cry Joni

one of shy's fav songs..dulu mase duduk sebelah die banyak mende merepek kitorang buat
hafal lagu lah
translate lagu lah.. habiskan 1 jar peanut butter lah..bagi strange names to pembaris..nyanyi lagu utk nazir hahah

** beberapa harini aku asek mimpi smkaks..ntah apsal..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

tak sabo

DaisypathWedding Ticker
dekat dah tu ngan ladybird lagi satu

kije sume aku dah pass kat pengganti aku tuh..
jadinye kat opis kalau aku x jadi cekgu, aku wat kije bodo2 seperti susun file, labelkan file..dll

tak sabo nak last day

tapi xtau gak camne nak face hari2 depan..banyak perbezaan yang dituntut nih..

oh p/s
bosan2 tadi jumpe blog ni..
kisah percintaan yg dipublic dan dikartunkan

Monday, November 19, 2007


ye ..
pagi ni kerja.

susah memblogging ni rupenye ye..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bee Movie

Went to see Bee Movie with mama, anisah, aiman and auntie Ella.
Storyline wise: 2 star
Animation wise: 4 star

Overall: 2.5, sebbaik animation lawa

Then picked up hawa and wan, went to sri munawwarah.
Menghabiskan RM 160 dengan membeli 2 tudung.
1 utk kenduri, the other utk akad nikah.

Baru lepas baca blog yeh, nak quote sket

'Terberenti sebab baje blog nad yg lame2. Nak cari cerita pasal kiteorg dulu mase mude2 di alam percintaan. ehehe...'

cis..bukan skang pun tgh becinte ke? heh :P

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tatau tatau tatau
sakit perut..lalalalalala


Yes, both my baju nikah and baju sanding fits me :P

Tapi baju nikah ade sedikit longgar, jadi mahu bagi fit haruslah dikecilkan sedikit sebanyak 1 inci dibahagian pinggang.

Bukan bermaksud aku dah kurus, tapi sebab tailor tu mungkin sengaje buat besar sedikit supaye muat jika lemak aku meningkat dari masa die ukur dulu.

Tapi x kisah sebab i feel good :)

Mak aku kate xleh tunjuk kat sape2 lagi, jadi sape2 nak tengok datangla yek kenduri aku (heh .. bajet cun sangat le tu yek?)

Hehe tak kesahla..bile lagi ek nak pakai..time2 camni je la..
sekali je seumur hidup insyaallah..

jom lompat

Friday, November 16, 2007


I changed my shoutbox
I changed my layout
I managed to get the comments page visible

but I'm gonna change my banner..
tapi nantilah
heh :P

ohh and..
exactly 1 month and counting..hmm :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Muslim Women

© Lets Not Ask Non-Muslims About Muslim Women Khalid Yasin

"Download the full lecture here:"

I invite every person, I invite every woman here, every non-Muslim woman here, to stand to the side when we leave here and talk to a Muslim lady.
I mean now, let's not ask Barbara Walters about how Muslim women feel. You know, let's not ask Tom Brokaw how Muslim women feel, let's not ask CNN, ABC, FOX, let's not ask the London Times or the Australian Times, let's not ask Non-Muslims about how Muslim women feel how they live what are their principles what are their challenges.
If you want to be fair ask a Muslim woman, ask my wife.

Ask my mother, you see, ask a Muslim woman that knows her religion who has a relationship with her creator, who is stable in her society understanding her responsibilities her relationship, ask her, and after that I think you should be fair to don't need to ask someone else.

But the problem is no one really wants to ask Muslim women, we want to take pictures of women in Afghanistan, and pictures of women in Palestine, and pictures of women in Pakistan, and pictures of women over here, and we want to listen to what people say about female circumcision as if Muslims is got women thousands, 10, 20, 30 thousand, 40 thousand women all over the world is being circumcised, it's crazy, Stephen Spielberg stuff.

And let me give you a statistic that you should know about. If you take a, if you take a quota, in this room right here, I'll tell you this, most every Muslim woman in this room, will be a college graduate or is a college graduate or is very intelligent and very much socially endowed and within her family the structure we find that women control the wealth more so than wealth, more so than wealth, now what's that say to you. Now where you find, where you find women oppressed women exploited women mistreated, among Muslim that's because those Muslims themselves are not representing the principles of the religion, and in every religion you got black sheep.

But then again, you can't tell me, that the 148,000 prostitutes that walk the street in the UK or the 76,000 prostitutes that walk the streets of Holland that have licences to do so, you can't tell me that all these little young naked little girls walking around Australia with no clothes on, you cannot tell me that they represent liberation.

You can't tell me, that the 2,350 abortions, murders, that take place with these young women, you can't tell me that it represents sophistication, you can't tell me that represents liberation.

You can't tell me that a naked woman sitting on a chocolate bar, a naked woman selling everything, toothpaste, everything, you can't tell me that doesn't represents exploitation, so let's put things in context, let's talk about things correctly, and lets be fair, let's be objective, we can talk about that a little bit more if you want, but let me give you one more statistic, one more, prostitution, venereal disease, abortion, and paedophilia, and this horrendous number of children being raped and kidnapped that exists in the western world, is almost unheard of, in the Muslim world. So I think the statistics kind of like speak for themselves.

Source: Youtube

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Budak2 4 org ni menang US$250, 000 dlm American Funniest Videos..
kenapela kecik2 dulu aku x gelak camni heh..

Monday, November 12, 2007

cicak cicakman

Aiman and Cicakman

Kakyah, cicakman tu TAK bagus kan?

Aku: nape?

Aiman: Sebab mase Nabi Muhammad tengah sembunyi, cicak tu bagitahu org jahat tu Nabi Muhammad ade katne. tapi spider tolong. Spider tu kan kakyah, die buat sarang die depan gua.

Aku: ha tu la kan..

Aiman: Tapi Cicakman tu cerite tu org islam buat, tapi spiderman tu org bahase inggeris (org putih) yg buat. Cicakman tu teruk kan kakyah?

Aku: hahah betulbetulbetul :p

Aiman dah start dah kritik movie :P

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Syarikat Epal or whatever..

Semalam dlm kul 2 camtu ade sorang minah ni ketuk pintu.
Bile aku bukak, die suh panggil mak.

Ingat die kawan mak aku, aku pun panggil la.
Rupenye die nak ajar menjait, die kate free.
Mak aku pun panggil aku suh sign up.

Aku blur.
Die bagi borang kale kuning, tanye aku minat menjait x?
Aku diam, die terus kate..ala minat la tu..
Dlm ati aku mcm pelik, nak je kate 'apsal pakse2 ni?'
Tapi sebbaik aku sempat pk sebelum cakap.
Die tunjuk leaflet syarikat die. Syarikat Epal ke apetah..yg penting ade perkataan 'epal'.
Leaflet tu ade satu jekk dan dah koyak rabak.
Tapi aku tatau nape, aku terus bagi personal details. Die kate 5 inggit 1 jam.
Aku tanye katne? bile?
Die kate 'Skarang la, kat rumah awak'.
Aku terus rasa x sedap, btau suh dtg time lain. Die pun kate, ok la kul 430.
Pastu die blah camtu jek.

Aku cam kompius gile. Aku pandang je die dari blakang. Die pakai tudung coklet, blaus putih ngan skirt coklet. Orgnye tembam2 sket. Skirt die jarang gile gile.

Sambil tggu kul 430 aku pk mcm2..
Pelik, apsal nak dtg ngaja kat rumah? Leh cayer ke?
Kang die pukau nye aku, die rompak rumah aku yg takde ape2 ni camne?
Die ade geng merogol ke ape ke..culik adik aku ke kan?
Hish pelik2 pulak aku pk

Aku mintak pandangan yeh..die pun kate suh kensel aje

Last aku wat keputusan, pesan kat bibik kalau die dtg ckp je aku kuar..xde kat rumah.
Kul 4 bertalu2 die tekan loceng umah aku. Aku dgr bibik kate aku emergency, kawan aku call suh gi KL..haha pandai gak bibik outa.
Pastu aku dgr gak die tanye ' Mak die mane? tanak blaja? Tu adik die? tanak jugak?'
Nada suara die memakse.

Tak lame pastu aku turun, die dah blah dah. Tanye bibik ape jadi..bibik kate org tu pakse2 die malas nak layan..heh..

Malam tu cousin aku Hawa dan tunangnye encik shah datang beraye umah aku.
Pompuan syarikat Epal tu call, tanye aku katne.
Aku cakap kensel je la, lagipun ade tetamu kat rumah.
Die bengang terus marah aku, jerit ' Eh apsal nak kensel2 plak ni??? I dah ade kat area rumah u niii"
Aku tak suh die tunggu sampai malam pun..aku balas 'Kan ade org dtg rumah ni..cemane la pulak saye tetibe nak blaja menjait kan?' Baru la die cool pastu letak tepon.

Hawa ngan Shah dengar conversation aku tuh. Aku pun cite la kat dewang psl incident pompuan syarikat Epal tu.

Terus Shah cite pasal incident pukau yg berlaku kat Atuk die.
Ceritenye mcm tu gakla, ade org dtg, promote barang..masuk rumah.
Atuk die sedar2 kat dalam kereta depan Tabung Haji.
Nasib baik lom kua duit, terus suh org tu patah balik ke rumah.

Hish..moral of the story, jgn selambe2 aje ajak org yg x dikenali masuk rumah tau.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nasi Tomato

Demonstrasi Aman:

Nasi Tomato

Beras (7 cup)
Ghee (4 sudu beso)
Bunga Lawang (4)
Bunga cengkih (4)
Kayu manis (2 berukuran 4 cm :P)

Bahan blend:
Bawang merah (20)
Bawang putih (6)
Buah Keras (5)
Halia (5cm)

Susu sejat (1 tin)
Tomato Sos (2 cawan)

1. Basuh beras bersih2
2. Panaskan ghee, masukkan bunga lawang, bunga cengkih ngan kulit kayu manis.
3. Tumis bahan2 blend.
4. Agak2 dah wangi tu, masukkan air sket.
5. Masukkan beras, tomato sos ngan susu sejat (evaporated milk).
6. Gaul sampai sekata, masukkan garam.
7. Air.
8. Kalau nak best, agak2 sebelum nasi tu masak betul, gaul bawang goreng dalam nasi. Nanti wangi.

Acar timun

Timun (2)
Carrot (1)
garam (1 sudu)
Bawang merah (8)
Bawang putih (4)
Buah keras (3)
cili merah (1)
serbuk kunyit (1/2 sudu kecik)
cuka (3/4 cawan)
gula (3.5 sudu beso)
biji sawi (1 sudu kecik)
Bawang besar (1) - dadu
1 cawan udang kering.

1. Potong timun ngan carrot. Nak bagi cantik potongla panjang agak2 2.5 cm.
2. Tabur garam, tunggu 2 jam.
3. Lepas 2 jam, letak timun n carrot tu atas towel kering.
4. Blend bawang merah, bawang putih, cili and buah keras.
5. Tumis biji sawi.
6. Masukkan bahan2 yg dah blend tu tadi.
7. Tumbuk udang kering.
8. Masukkan pulak udang kering tu.
9. Tabur kunyit sket.
10. Masukkan cuka dan gula
11. Gaul sume tu sampai pekat.
12. Finale.. masukkan timun, carrot dan bawang besar. Gaul hingga sekata.

Ayam Tomato

Ayam (1 ekor)
Bawang merah (5)
Bawang putih (5)
Cili kering (30)
Santan (1)
Tomato sos
bawang besar (hiris bulat)
kacang peas
Tomato (sliced)

1. Goreng ayam (garam+kunyit) sampai crispy, ketepikan.
2. Blend cili kering.
3. Tumbuk bawang putih and bawang merah.
4. Hiris halia.
5. Tumis bahan 2,3 & 4.
6. Dah menggelegak, masukkan santan, tomato sos, gula dan garam. Gaul dan gaul.
7. Masuk ayam.
8. Masuk bawang besar,kacang peas n tomato.
9. Bleh hidang, bleh makan.

Sekian demonstrasi kita pada hari ini.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

WFL 5902

Till this date, my car got hit 3 times (which are all by men drivers)..and this morning nearly got hit by another men driving WFL 5092.

Once at a stress management session in the previous company (everyone has to join), a colleague brought up an issue of men and women drivers. So I told the class of being hit 3 times by men drivers, which I stress, not all men drivers are good drivers..and they too are imperfect creatures like us women so back to back we're all the same when it comes to driving. It depends on the individual.

But u know what the speaker said?? She's a lady mind you..
She said ' Well, maybe u were the one driving terhegeh2' ..sarcastically..

1st incident:
The traffic light is red and still red.
Suddenly felt a bump.
I knew someone kisses my car's ass, looked at the trafic light, and its still red.

So which part of that is terhegeh2??

2nd incident:
I was on the left lane, indicating i'm turning left after the traffic light.
A van next to me was in the right lane, which means he shouldn't turn left.
As the traffic light goes green I turned my wheel left, while the van next to me also happily turned left and rammed into my lane, into my car.

And..which part is the terhegeh2 part??

3rd incident:
Also the traffic light, same incident as incident number 1.

So does any of these incident prove that women are just 'terhegeh2' drivers??
Well generally some are, I do too when I dont know the way around the particular town.
But so are everyone, so are men for goodness sake!

And this morning,
An incident nearly happen close to incident number2, so before he rammed my car, I honked.

He, put up his hand and gave me the sign(the not so very nice one la of course).
I ignored. I drove happily towards my house.
He followed me closely, really closely.

So what does it mean? U felt threatened by a lady's honking yeah?
heh..U're so damn insecure Mr driver.

At the junction turning to my house I stopped, quite a while, just letting him reach his destination a bit later than he intended.

Then I turned right gave a signal and cornered into my house.
The takde kerja driver also stopped behind my car.

I got out of my car, and he drove away.

Isnt that just silly and insecure??


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Halal vegetarian pork, product of Australia, packed for Singapore.


Sunday, November 04, 2007

a should see, u'd feel..


Noticed when u hang out with some people u sometimes felt very small, kinda stupid and not worth a penny?
Specially when they talk about the world, which u felt like u were supposed to know but shamefully u didn't?
And then u had to keep quiet, let yourself be the listener and try to put aside the 'depressed' feelings?

Well, yeah u do..coz u're scared if u said sumthing..and it happens to be kinda 'stupid' they'd smirk..and hid their amusements of u.

And i'm thinking..
is it only myself who sumtime felt this way?

Let me tell u, the feeling is sad and stupid. U should'nt be feeling this way at all..or should u?
Is it easy to put these feelings aside? yeah..i guess I have to..

Please ignore this entry..i'm emotional and i hate cabbage soup.

picture taken from i-dont-know-where

Saturday, November 03, 2007



Sebuah lagu lame yg sentiasa evergreen ditelinga aku...

Bace blog masitah dan angah, baru tau Aimi bertunang harini

Selamat bertunang Aimi! ;)