Cik Angah..meh aku buat..kompem aku dapat cheesecake!! waakakaka
1.what is the longest word in the English language?
Smiles - because 'a mile' exists between the 2 s-s
2- why is the letter "T" like an island? (with reason)
Because its in the middle of waTer
3- what 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it? (with reason)
the word "short" becomes [the word] "shorter" when u add two letters [e-r] to it
4- what starts with "T" , ends with "T" and is full of "T"?
A TeapoT
5- what 2 words contain the most letters?
Post Office
Ha ape lagi angah? mane cheesecake? wakaka
angah pandai bebenor, nk tag bg riddles.. sah sah laa bole tiru meniru.. ko dh jawab, den nk jawab ape??
hahahaha ko jawab je bende sama ..kalau sume betul, kite pau angah secret recipe reramai :P wakaka
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