Erfaan's First Birthday ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Adam's Second Birthday ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Buzy bee me

Ok, first and foremost :

The picture in the previous entry (roach's egg) is not taken by me or at my house :P.
I got that from one of the forwarded emails i received somewhere last inbox was at 11k, so i did a bit of housekeeping till i came across this email.
I've never seen this myself, so that's the reason i put it up..apart form not having any ideas to write in my blog hehehe :D
Glad got that clarified.


I've been buzying (such a word?) meself getting ready for the launch of 'Nadely'. Nadely is team of 2, consists of only me and hubby. Our baby projects are quite a number..and one of them is selling our own sugar coated and spicy kerepek around egypt (malay/indon restaurants).

Tiring? yes, but I feel good. Why? I dont know, I always feel this when I'm involved in the selling/creating part.
The buying part? Yeah, I feel good too at times (who doesn't love shopping??)..but it's just not the same kinda feeling u know? Oh well..those who has experience in selling things or doing business would understand, as I'm soo not good with words :P.

In the past few days me and hubby have been going around surveying price of the things involved so to limit the costs .. if only we can eliminate them yeah? :D

So the whole nite last nite I've been buzy with my kerepek, but only the frying stage. After writing this I'll continue frying, then I'll start my packaging stage.

How nice..a job I can do without being a robot need to get up so early, or to be evaluated against goals set up by anybody ..I wonder if this can lasts till forever?

I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree
(nyanyi jap, iklan)
p/s: lagu takde kena mengena dengan apa2 yang bernyawa ataupun tidak, harap maklum

I actually like to play the tagging game, please anyone, tag me and I'll do it.
My ideas are scarce at the moment, but I still wanna a tag will be such a big help, although I don't promise doing each and every tag la kan :P
But I'm actually making a note to myself not to ever tag anyone again as it may be upsetting to some people.

Anyways, 8th July will be Hubby's birthday. And it'll be his first birthday which I get to be by his side :D. Since we've met I've never given him a birthday present, how unromantic kan? :P well I did try sending a parcel once; consisting a parker pen with his name carved on it. That time he was still in Pakistan and the parcel never did reached him hehe, kesian dia.

So this year, I'm thinking of doing something special and if possible, getting him something good..Any ideas??

Owh, and he wants this:

Anyone knows how much it costs, and are they already selling in Egypt? If it's already selling, anyone knows where?

Haha banyak plak soalan aku ni..

Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Forever True

Monday, June 23, 2008


banyak ni rupenye yg dihasilkan oleh 1 telur lipas...

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Rain. I just love the rain.
In my last working place (convergys,cyberjaya), my place was right by the huge window..beside Ignita who is my bestest buddy since my working days there.

Everytime it rains, we would give ourselves some 'breaktime'..bancuh kopi or tea or milo at the pantry and just sit at our place looking out of the window.
Somehow to me, rain is very cooling, soothing and calming. And I love the smell of rain.

Does anyone notice that you can actually smell the rain before it comes pouring down?? You can..
Well I don't know if the smell really exist scientifically (does it?)..but I'm sure that there is actually a certain smell..or scent..or whatever you wanna call it..

And I'm smiling as I'm writing and thinking of the raindrops.. hmm :)
And I'm currently missing them..

Egypt, is a 4 season country..which means, lesser rain. It's actually lesser than less..close to no rain at all. No rain + less tress + desert area = hot weather.
Now it is only the beginning of summer and it is already very hot..I'll get headaches just going out for a little while, I wonder how it'll be when mid summer comes..

But syukur Alhamdulillah, Egypt has the Nile River don't u think? And everything Allah made has it's reason, dont u worry ;).

I was searching the internet for pictures or articles of 'rain', but found this instead:

It is God Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until you see rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills, behold, they do rejoice! (Surat ar-Room, 48)

Allah has specifically inform us of the design and formation of the rain..Subhanallah..

Every stage in the formation of rain is told in the verses of the Qur'an.
Furthermore, these stages are explained in the right sequence. Just as with many other natural phenomena in the world, it is again the Qur'an that provides the most correct explanation about this phenomenon as well, and more, that has announced these facts to people centuries before they were discovered by science

Oh well..I'll just wait to see rain again in Malaysia :D

Goodnews : A small Malay restaurant in Cairo has agreed to let us sell our kerepek there hehe..Alhamdulillah..
In search for other new opportunities..hopefully there'll be more, InsyaAllah :D

Aiman (my li'l bro) performing Zapin
Cute kan? heheh

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kerepek springroll

Kerepek Springroll recipe by Kak Opin
Modified by Nad hihi

Mane ade modify sangat pun..cume potong care lain jek :P goes:

Memule amik springroll, gulung2 dan gam ngan tepung.
Lepas tu sile lah potong sesuke hati ok..
Below is norllmaster's version :D


Dah jadi mcm tu, boleh la terus goreng. Kalau nak die cantik, jangan pakai api kuat..nanti die menggerutu macam kulit katak puru.
Lepas goreng bole la disalut dengan gula halus


Kalau suke pedas2, buat la sambal dan banyakkan gule nak kasi 'sticky' effect tu
Aku punye kerepek kelihatan seperti ini


Kalau rase2 nak bagi tahan lame sikit, botolkan die dalam botol ke tupperware ke yg kedap udara seperti ini:

Sesuai dimakan waktu petang, waktu tengok tv atau waktu2 yg terase mcm nak makan kerepek. Tak sesuai untuk mereka2 yg sedang diet untuk kelihatan cantik dan slim..tapi boleh je makan kalau nak :D. Nak buat die pun amatla senang dan tak mengambil waktu yg lame..
Selamat mencoba!

Ni pulak nasi ayam yg kitorang makan semalam


Cara aku buat:
1. Rebus ayam kejap
2. Keluarkan ayam yg nak digoreng, ayam selebihnye tinggallah ye untuk dibuat sup
3. Ayam yg nak digoreng tu aku marinate dulu. Selalunye aku marinate dengan bawang putih yg banyak, madu, soy sauce, kicap dan chili powder. Biarla dalam 15minit minimum.
4. Goreng ayam
5. Masak nasik guna sup ayam yg kite dah buat tu. Kalau nak kuning taruk la kunyit sikit.

Hmm macam tu je aku slalu buat..heheh macam simple sangat ek? Tapi encik mohd yeh suke tau :D

Sambal tu, blend cili kering sikit..tumis ngan bawang putih. Tambah garam dan gula, siap.
Kicap aku slalu masak yg leftover bahan marinate tu, pastu tambah kicap lagi dan ape saje yang boleh buat kicap tu rase sedap.

haa..camtu je la..

Ish..rase2 kalau buat bisnes kerepek tu kat sini pun ok kan? Kat kaherah ade banyak restoran melayu..kawan yeh pun ade sorang yang bukak restoran thai kat mansurah..buat banyak2, pastu tinggal kat restoran tu kan?

Buat 2-3 kali lagi rasenye ok dah kot nak buat sample :D eee bestnyee..hik hik..

Tengkiyu kak opin!! :D

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cerita Sepasang Manusia yang Suka Makan :D

Ini ialah percubaan membuat burger malaysia..
Aku panggil burger malaysia, tatau org lain panggil ape..
Stengah orang, mcm encik mohd yeh panggil burger malaysia tu sebagai burger ramli..
Tapi aku panggil bende ni sebagai burger malaysia..
Ala, roti yg digoreng pastu taruk sambal ikan bilis dan timun tu..
Kalau kat shah alam, aku suke beli kuih ni pagi2 sebelum masuk opis. Slalu makcik jual nasi lemak akan jual skali burger malaysia ni..
Haa..mari kita lihat..

Ini ialah doh yg dah siap dibulat2..tapi resepi kate kene biar kejap dlm 2 jam..
Aku gi biar sampai 6 jam sebab tertido..
Last2, mase nak goreng die dah berkerak..jadi bile goreng roti tu jadi leper camni :

Inilah hasilnye. Walaupun buruk dan aku hampir buang dalam tong sebab buruk, tapi aku tetap abiskan sebab rase die best. Tapi lenkali (tatau bile) aku nak try lagi sampai die jadi cantik ok? hahah

Ini pula cubaan membuat nasi ayam stail suke hati sendiri. Mintak maap la gamba siap ade periuk sume :P..nak tangkap gamba nasik sume dalam dulang tak sempat sebab dah lapa :D

Ni pulak ayam madu yg dimakan dengan nasi ayam. Kale die itam bukan sebab hangit tau, sebab madu tu buat die gitu

Aku taruk gamba diatas sebab skang baru pukul 4pagi, nak buat nasi ayam mcm awal sangat..rasenye orang yg jual ayam tu pun tak bangun lagi..
Encik Mohd Yeh dah start lapa nasi ayam, dan dah order pun untuk menu harini..
Yeah..mari kite masak!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nyamuk . Namus . Mosquitoes . Ba'udhah

"A female mosquito sucks about 2.8 mg (0.0001 ounce) of blood in one go, and this takes about 2.5 minutes. When the sucking finishes, the blood is sent to the midgut by suction pumps located in the fore-section of the digestive system. The abdomen fills with blood as far as the digestive system. It takes 3-4 days to digest the blood and then the sucking process is repeated." by Harun Yahya

Hani (Mun's little sis) once asked, " Since Allah created mosquitoes, why do we have to kill them??"

This questions lingers in my head, and it actually surprises me.. that the fact a toddler can ask this sort of question. Me at the age of 25, have never ever thought of asking this :P

Today I asked hubby about this, and he explains that Allah created these little things for us to think, to ponder, to ask and to gain more knowledge.
It made us realize that it is Allah, the Lord of the Universe, Who controls all and creates everything to perfection. This is expressed as follows in a verse of the Qur'an:

This is God's creation. Show me then what those besides Him have created! The wrongdoers are clearly misguided. (Qur'an, 31:11)

Observing one of the mosquitoes that accidentally landed on my hand, I figured that even one of it's wings is not enough for a lifetime of research..
Or, has anyone actually managed to reconstruct them exactly as how Allah created? I doubt it :)

As revealed in the Qur'an:

Humanity! An example has been made, so listen to it carefully. Those whom you call upon besides God are not even able to create a single fly, even if they were to join together to do it. And if a fly steals something from them, they cannot get it back. How feeble are both the seeker and the sought! They do not render to God the homage due to Him. Yet God is Powerful, Almighty. (Qur'an, 22:73-74)
Then I searched some more

Why do we kill Mosquitoes?? Coz they bite!!
Why do they bite??

Mosquitoes bite to make more mosquitoes. Wayne Kramer, an associate professor of entomology at Louisiana State University in buggy Baton Rouge, explains that mosquitoes snack on us — and other animals — to fuel reproduction. Blood is like a fertility drug for these insects.

North America is home to more than 100 species of mosquitoes that vary by habitat, size, and what they prefer to nibble on — mammals, including people; birds; even reptiles and amphibians. One thing they all have in common is that only females bite, and only blood meals are converted to energy earmarked exclusively for egg production. (For everyday metabolic energy, both male and female mosquitoes rely primarily on plant sugars.) In other words, each bite you suffer helps spawn a new generation of mosquitoes, ensuring the disruption of many future backyard barbecues.

While heat, movement, moisture, and color all play a role, mosquito attraction is mostly about scent. Most mosquitoes home in on prey by sensing chemicals, notably carbon dioxide, which we exhale with every breath. If we could just stop breathing, we'd avoid a lot of bites.

How did the mosquito find me when I'm sleeping in the dark??

The answer reveals another superior design to us: The mosquito is equipped with a complex system that enables it to find its prey. This system consists of receptors sensitive to heat, gas and various chemical substances. By this means the mosquito can easily identify its prey in the dark.

The use of heat-sensitive receptors is a somewhat effective method that is frequently used nowadays in military technology, particularly in the dark. A very sensitive heat receptor is also found in the body of the mosquito. This organ, known as the "tarsi," is located in the forelegs of the mosquito. When these organs detect the heat waves coming from a body, the mosquito is drawn by them and reaches its target unerringly. Furthermore, thanks to this heat detector, it can easily find the regions under the skin where there is the most blood, as veins are warmer than tissue.

In other words, a mosquito entering a pitch-dark bedroom can accurately perceive the exposed parts of a sleeping person's body, even to the point of finding the veins close to the skin.

Why do mosquitoes bite me, not my friend??

Recently, scientists at Rothamsted Research in the UK discovered that some people produce chemicals that smell bad to mosquitoes, masking the chemicals that usually attract the mosquitos.

What can we get from these insects apart from horrible disease?

Knowledge. Through them, we learn to appreciate the Qur'an more, the scientist gains more so they are able to explain to us regarding the miracle of Allah's creations
Other than that, they are an important part of the ecosystem. Mosquitoes are food source for many different animals- both the adults and the young (larvae). They feed creatures such as birds, bats, and frogs (just to name a few).

So in short, these mosquitoes are not just pests after all hehe..

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bored - Home alone

Me with Makteh at Alor Setar,Kedah

Abang had to go to Azrils' for a I'm left bored at home. Ala rumah die 2-3 tapak je dari rumah aku ni, tapi bile abang takde kat rumah, aku automatically jadi bosan..nak main dengan ikan, ikan tu pandai makan jek. Tapi ikan aku ni best tau..bile aku wiggle ibu jari kaki aku die pun ikut wiggle jugak :p comel!! ke sume ikan camtu?? internet dah ade balik selepas 2 hari bengong, tapi aku takde idea lah

Just a few things to update:
1. Aiman had to wear glasses due to astigmatism (probably since born) - confirmed by encik Eye Specialist. Happy when I said he'll be as handsome as Abg Yeh :P

Aiman and AbgYeh dia

2. Aiman terpilih untuk masuk Tarian Zapin and Football. Yesterday they performed Zapin for one of Unikl's anak angkat event at Putrajaya.
Owh..Aiman is my li'l brother age 9, Darjah 3
3. Anisah's birthday is coming but I can't remember if it's actually 18 or 20th June hehe
4. Aku ter'miss' mother's day and father's day. Baru terperasan pun lepas blog hopping kejap tadi..takpelah, promise I'll make it up next year..boleh beli hadiah best2 sikit untuk our parents kan :D
5. My 'berpantang' end date will be 8 July, which is Abang's birthday!! :D Yay, boleh celebrate best best!! Boleh makan icecream and minum juice mangga and makan grapes and buah peach yg macam2 kaler tu!! wuhuuu! :D
6. Yeh's parents might be coming here 2nd Raya..My parents? Not sure yet, My Mom is still pujuk2 My Abah, and might be using Aiman to pujuk next :P But I dont really mind lah, price for everything has shoot up..I don't want my parents to susah2 save up just to come here, nanti tak best. Tapi kalau they can come of course lah better jugak :D
7. Finished watching Full House and My Sassy Girl + Windstruck..sume cerite lama tapi baru nak tengok. Malam ni tammoh tengok cerite Korea lagi, nak tengok cerite omputih ke jepun ke indon ke cina ke melayu ke kan??

Pastukan, rasa mcm lagu ni best walaupun takde kene mengena dgn ape2..
Tapi aku suke agnes enjoy ok!

p/s : ni gambar anak Fa yg aku kate nak aplod haritu :D

Muhammad Ariff Hakim - Anak Fa (Fadzliatun Ummi Khurairah)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Internet takde pulak

Harini internet tak ada pulak..Mungkin tak stabil lagi kot..takpelah..

So harini datang cyber cafe, tujuan..takde tujuan sangat pun :P

Then masa tengah online ajar Sabeera untuk tukar layout..tapi aku lupe nak suruh die save existing blogskin die..huhu kesian sangat kat die widgets sume hilang. Last2 die tukar balik ke original template..huhu rasa besalah gile.

Pasal masalah widgets ilang ni dah banyak kali jadi kat aku, baru ni pun jadi gak..mase tukar template kat yeh pun aku lupe gak..haiyyak..agak2 nak kene buat ape bagi kuat ingatan sket ek? hehe

Hmm..pastu tatau dah nak tulis ape..

Ooo..semalam kawan2 yeh datang rumah..ade 2 org yg dtg dari kaherah tengah amik masters..yg lain2 tu jiran2 sebelah rumah yg mmg biase datang dan berjalan2 bersama2..

And oleh kerana dewang dah order Nasi Briyani, maka kitorang pun buat la nasi briyani, tembah dengan caramel, air strawberry dan buah apple.

Uih..seronok gile tengok dewang makan bertambah2..caramel pun abis..sume pun abis alhamdulillah. Cume kitorang terlebih budget untuk nasi, jadi bagila budak2 tu bawak balik utk makan kali ke 2, 3 dan 4 dirumah nanti :P

Hmm..ape lagi ek?

Okla..meh aku post gambar kat alex la once upon a time ek

Hehehe biasela..sawan camera :P


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tagged by Umy

5 presents :

1. Getting pregnant again, and to have cute healthy babies
2. Blender yg best gile yg bleh buat ice blended coffee/juices
3. Rumah dan kereta
4. Get a job without being interviewed
5. Gi Mekah

5 reasons for the above :

1. Isn't that what married ppl wants? *grins*
2. Oooh...fruits here are delicious!!!bestnye kalau bleh buat ice blended..and i sooo lurve starbucks caramel frapuchino..
3. Saje je nak jadi materialistik kejap :P
4. Sebab dah x larat nak gi interview ok?? kalau kire rasenye mcm dah hundreds!! letih..letih..
5. Uuu sebab mase pegi time umo 12 tahun dulu mcm tatau ape2 lagi, tapi still ingat perasaan yg sgt2 indah mase duduk dlm masjid..rindunye..

5 characteristics that I like in a person that I admire :

1. Suke bercerita pasal ayat2 dlm Qur'an, pasal buku2 yg die tgh bace utk xm, pasal pengalaman duduk dgn kawan2 kat pakistan selame 8 tahun..dan macam2 cerite lagik
2. Hafal Qur'an dan pandai jadik Imam, Alahmdulillah.. :D
3. Pandai cakap Arab Ammi, Arab Fushah, Urdu ( takyah tgk subtitle time tgk citer Hindustan haha), English, Siam..macam2 la lagik
4. Lawak tahap gaban
5. Suke senyum..marah pun senyum (ade gak kan org camni :P )

Best thing he ever did for me :

He married me :)

5 things you do when you are bored :

1. Kacau Abang
2. Jalan2
3. Chatting
4. Blogging
5. Makan

5 greatest inventions : (mine or whom?)

1. Internet
2. Pc
3. Chocolates, Yogurt and Ice creams
4. Airplanes that fly using water
5. Cars that can move using water

(number 4 and 5 has not been invented, but please invent these things someone?? nothing is impossible :P)

5 most hated :

1. Being Alone
2. Being stuck in a lift, or in some dark and small room..
3. Losing something or someone...
4. Not being able to do something that I must do
5. Being hated

5 people to be tagged :

1. Abang (walaupun malas tapi mesti ok?)
2. Kak Opin
3. Nah
4. Shy
5. Azie

Monday, June 09, 2008

New Me? Naah..just sleepless ramblings..

Alhamdulillah, its been awhile since i changed my blogskins. The most previous was just customizing the classic blogger design..(malas sungguh)

But since we managed to get the internet working again, me and hubby searched high and low for new blogger skins. We went to but we end up frustrated. Why? Well, we just couldn't figure why they are now making smaller space to write and leaving so much empty space, or to say, useless space. Then we searched again and actually found a couple more interesting skins for blogger on other sites..(i almost made up my mind to move from blogger to wordpress). But there was a problem..the codes for the nice ones were xml, not html. I had a hard time try and error thingy getting my blog pretty..huhu..

Luckily I found a website, a really helpful one. So if anyone wanted to change to any XML skins, pls go to this site yeah?

Noticed the 'new blogs updated' widget? They seemed to be working fine, but it seems that blogger and blogdrive just dont get along :P ..sorry shy, aku x dapat add ko kat situ..but u know i always always always stalk your blog :p hehe

And clever me did a clever thing by not saving my previous i've lost every friends' blog links that i've already added previously. The ones that I've added are the lucky ones which I've memorized or managed to searched from the blogs which I've memorized. Does this sentence make sense?? hehehe I just totally fail at writing :P
So, if any of you guys happen to read this entry, please let me know your blog url so i can add them in my list okie? Thank you..muaxx!

Next project will be searching and contrsucting hubby's new blog skin! Anyone knows of any websites with nice xml blogger skins??

Last night we watched Full House (korean)..cerita dah lama baru nak tengok kan? Reason is that when it was famous I didn't watch it coz simply 'macam x minat je'..hehe then towards the last series I watched a bit and fell in love but did not have time to download the series. And same goes for i guess its just fate right?? So we can watch it together-gether :P hehe

Then we watched P.S I Love U. Well, the storyline didn't quite well follow the novel..but I guess for me its still ok lah.
And I actually cried watching not one, but some of the scenes, and got laughed at by hubby. Asked him ' Tak sedih ke??' He just sengih and shook his head :P

Well...I guess that I'm getting more and more passionate through the years..I used to not cry when I see people cry, but now..its different :)
I don't think that I'm proud of it though..but not embarrassed by it either. hehe


Just remembered that Kak Opin tagged me a few days ago.
Sorry Kak Opin, just got around to do it now as was stuck searching for new skins, plus the internet line that goes on and off :D

I been tag by Kak Opin.

The Rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post
4. Tag six more blogs with links
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

Mine is :

My Way of Life is Islam


1) Nurul Syahida
2) Munn (update! update!)
3) Tim (aa ni aku bagi idea dah nak tulih ape ni hehe)
4) Abang
5) Pa'ah
6) Mieza

Kak Opin, Thanks so much for the prayers and for your effort in asking readers to say the prayers too. We really2 appreciate it lots!!!
Mekaceh :D

I'm blessed for very2 loving husband and inlaws kan? :D Alahamdulillah..
Oh, and if anyone is interested to learn new cooking recipes, pls enter her blog.
The food looks waaay delicious, and I truly mean it!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Internet is back!

Alhamdulillah, now we can access the internet from home! :D no need to take the bus to the cc anymore hehehe

I'm overly excitedkan? hello..since i was in form3 mmg dah terbiase dengan internet..and it got worst after form5. Ye la, time tu kan lepas SPM make berdangdutlah sentiasa bersama MIRC dan Ie. Time tu tau Ie ngan Mirc jek la..dah lame sket baru tukau masuk Ym. Then masuk MMU lagi la 24hrs internet, sumer bende pun pakai internet..nak borak dgn rumet yg ade kat depan mata pun pakai Ym hahaha. Tapi bukan selalu la..penah buat ngan azrah je sebab nak ngumpat rumet lagi sorang. And rumet lagi sorang tu pun ade kat dalam bilik..heh tatau la obvious ke tak..obvious ke azrah? hehe :P

So kesimpulannye sekarang ni pun xde internet rase mcm..makan hotdog tapi takde hotdog, minum ribena takde ribena, naik basikal takde tayar..aa camtu la perasaan die
Tapi yg best nye bukan aku sorang, abg pun gitu jugek..tu pasal la walaupun agak jauh sikit, kitorang secare sukarela kadang2 berjalan ke cc :D (walaupun mlm tu baru lepas wat d&c..hehe)

And skarang pulak dah xleh nak jalan sgt. First sebab tghri panas, malam ok tapi kat mesir tengah summer ramai sgt orang. Nanti nak naik bas sume mcm payah..pastu aku ni plak jenis x minat sgt orang ramai2..aku takut orang..tah pape tah kan? heh ..

Aku dah back on track, badan pun x lemah cam haritu dah..cume x berani lagi buat kije berat2. Ye la, kat luar mmg xde ape, tapi kat dalam proses healing masih sedang berlaku walaupun aku x nampak dan x rase. Tapi takpe, abg tengah cuti skang..selalu tolong binik die yg mengade ni hehe :D

Oh lupe, malam tadi Tim dah buat blog..sape2 yg kenal tim sile add blog die kat lists kawan2 blogger korang k..sile masuk sini

And since aku free dan x keluar rumah ni, maka aku rase nak buat tag yg kak opin tag dulu..sile2

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog7 facts about me ;)

Here goes:

1. I have a major stage fright. Oleh itu, tolongla jangan suruh aku bercakap di khalayak ramai..kalau suruh gak aku akan buat something unpredictable. Contoh, masa aku terpakse jadi ahli panel forum yg MMU buat kat MRSM Beseri satu ketika dulu..aku seolah2 bercakap ngan budak tadika. Sampaikan prof keluar dewan..wahahahaha

2. Aku suke berkawan, alhamdulillah aku ade ramai kawan. Tapi mulut aku ni ade mood die sendiri. Bile die rase nak borak, die akan borak segale mende. Tapi bile die rase nak diam, otak aku pun ikut diam..sampai aku tatau nak cakap ape, takde idea langsung. Macam mulut kene gam camtula..

3. Cita2 aku ape dari kecik? Mestila nak jadi surirumah yg ade at least Masters Degree. Tapi nak jadi surirumah yg ade bisnes..jadi cita2 ni mungkin akan tercapai banyak tahun lagi lepas aku kaya. Tapi camne nak kaya? Harga minyak naik tinggi sangat ni, bile minyak naik sume bende pun nak naik sama..kerajaan kire keuntungan/penjimatan kerajaan, petronas kire kos die tinggi (untung pun tinggi x kire??), rakyat pulak..hmm..tak buat ape2 pun salah, nak buat ape2 pun xtau nak buat ape. Silap sikit maka ISA lah kamu..ok, dah lari topik.

4. Oh, dan aku x bleh tengok orang gosok gigi. Komfem nak muntah kalau tengok. Tulis pasal org gosok gigi pun buat aku rasa loya.

5. Tidur malam? Susah gile..bile baca buku kadang2 lagi susah nak tido. Kalau buku tu best aku kene baca sampai abis, kalau tak best aku mesti rase boring dan otak aku mesti nak pk bende lain. Dulu penah amal makan ubat tidur, tapi side effect die badan senang naik dan aku sangat2 lethargic. Jadinye skang dah tinggalkan ubat tidur, lagipun tengah honeymoon setahun hahaha..tapi 2-3 harini mcm pandai pulak aku tido malam :)

6. Aku suke jalan2..jalan2 berjam2 pun aku boleh, provided aku pakai kasut yg betul. Vincci ke Nose ke yg cantik2 tu komfen x bleh, kompem sakit kaki dan hati. Paling best pakai selipar jepun, selipar bata atau yg mahal skit tapi best kasut Clarks.

7. Aku jeles la tengok org pregnant yg aku nampak mase keluar jalan2..hehe..normal la tu kan? Uh, aku nak baby la..Selalu kene doa yg terbaik kan? hehe

Sape aku tag?
Takde sape, sape2 rase nak buat, buat la.

Lagi satu, sape2 yg cari org utk buat kije2 seperti mengedit gamba atau yg lebih kurang mcm tu btau aku ek..Sementara musim org kawen ni, photographer mesti kurang masa nak edit gamba kan? aa..dan sementara aku takde ape nak buat ni bleh la nak cari income sket kan? ehehe

ok, sekian terima kaseh

Monday, June 02, 2008


I'm still in resting mode and having my ever helpful hubby to take care most parts of the house. He has been so very loving, caring and helpful, it makes me easier to get my spirits up. As per tim's advise ' nad, u have to be strong..for him and for yourself. u have to be strong for him, for him to be strong for u' hehe..kinda confusing, but a lot of truth in it...

I didnt realize that after a miscarriage, ppl also need to 'berpantang' my so called 'berpantang' days begins right after the d&c.
How to berpantang? :P

Turns out that Kak Opin, our mommies (mine and yeh's) have some history of some type of miscarriage..and i'm so lucky to get their advise.

ok, what to eat and what not to eat?

To eat:
nasik, roti, yogurt, soups, ayam, daging, ikan, black seed (habbatussauda), honey erm..pls do comment on more food i shd take that i've actually left out k? :D

Not to eat:
fruits, food which are too hot or too cold, oily food, fast food, spicy food, fruit juice (i missed them..), coke/pepsi/the likes, ice....erm..anything else tak?

And most importantly i have to eat small portions but to eat more times than the usual 2-3 meals a day coz i cannot let my tummy goes empty, else i'll be getting headaches and tummy aches and other aches..

I've resume taking honey every morning (as per kak opin and mom's advise)..but this time managed to find the "original honey plus habbatusauda" sold nearby. Its a bit more expensive than the rests but its worth it. And since i've begin taking it, i can sleep! yes, i used to be insomniac..sleep is hard! I envy those who can fall asleep once their head reach the hubby :P

And plus, i've felt better..yes, i'm still tired due to the d&c at times..but i guess i've felt healthier..and so does hubby ( i made it for him as well)..

well, i'm gonna take extra care of ourselves and hope nothing we take will effect our fertility in a bad way..coz obviously we'd like to try again someday...eventually ;)

owh and while i was still pregnant, i actually killed a baby lipas..and i feel bad :( .. and i'm making a note to myself not to ever kill any baby lipas again..but they are grossss...wuttodoo??..i dunno lah...huhu

Thanks to those who came by to read my blog and thanks for dropping your comments. I really (million times) appreciate them!

owh and lupe

Tahniah to :

Hawa Liyana Hashim (my dearest cousin)
who got married on 31st May to her beloved fiance. May our children be bestfriends like we are and can go to standard one on the same year like we did :D hehehe (boleh pulak ek ade cita2 camni)

Nurul Ayuni Fisal (exsmkaks-5amal) who also got married on the 31st

Wan Suriaty Wan Jaafar (exsmkaks-5Iman) 1st June.

Selamat pengantin baru.

Pa'ah, nak tengok gamba pengantin plis! :D
Mun, Lan dan Shy, cepatla update pasal rombongan ke pahang! x sabar ni..