I was really2 craving for satay these past months..but wasn't rajin enuff to make them.
And instead of making satay, I've been really2 bugging Yeh..telling him that I wanna balik Malaysia cepat2 and makan satay banyak2 (jahat gile..i know :P), plus having sweetdreams and nightmares of Satay in my sleep :p.
Then last night..we were thinking of what to have for dinner.
Got ayam, got daging, got summore nasi impit, got some timun, got kacang..hmm..
sooo..we straight away marinate the meat and chicken in satay punye rempah, and while waiting for them to be marinated..I straight away buat kuah kacang!
Despite being first timers in the satay arena, everything turns out great!!
We finished everything between the both of us while watching Korean "A Man Who was Superman" (tengok la cerite ni..ngarut gile..tapi ok gak la utk ngisik mase lapang) :D
I seemed to be blogging more about food than anything else eyh these days?
Haha..so don't be surprised to see my weight gain later people!! And if u wanna ask 'nadd..apsal ko makin gemokkk nii??'..I might choose not to answer :P.
Hello..I've been eating well..ape korang kesah?? haha
Lagipun semalam borak dengan Mama (my mom-inlaw), she told me that since I'm pregnant I can eat banyak2..coz lepas pantang boleh diet :D
And Hajar told me that while pantang, she actually loss 7kilos..ok la tuhh
I love food..speshly satay. Me and satay is like yeh and laksa, aur dengan tebing, lagu dan irama and all those kinds of things..
I remember once when I was very2 small, cant recall if it was early primary or still in tadika..but small lah..
My parents took us to a satay restaurant somewhere in Sg Buloh. Dulu, asal nak makan satay je mesti gi situ, coz the satay is really2 sedapppp!!
And if we go there..the whole family will have to sit there for quite a while letting me finish 20-50 cucuk of satay myself :D
So that kinda explains why I've been chubby all my life hahaha
Thank you to the person who first invented the satay recipe whoever and wherever you are..you are awesome!!
p/s: Abang, thank u..now nak balik Malaysia lambat sikit pun takpe hehe :P
And instead of making satay, I've been really2 bugging Yeh..telling him that I wanna balik Malaysia cepat2 and makan satay banyak2 (jahat gile..i know :P), plus having sweetdreams and nightmares of Satay in my sleep :p.
Then last night..we were thinking of what to have for dinner.
Got ayam, got daging, got summore nasi impit, got some timun, got kacang..hmm..
sooo..we straight away marinate the meat and chicken in satay punye rempah, and while waiting for them to be marinated..I straight away buat kuah kacang!
Despite being first timers in the satay arena, everything turns out great!!
We finished everything between the both of us while watching Korean "A Man Who was Superman" (tengok la cerite ni..ngarut gile..tapi ok gak la utk ngisik mase lapang) :D
I seemed to be blogging more about food than anything else eyh these days?
Haha..so don't be surprised to see my weight gain later people!! And if u wanna ask 'nadd..apsal ko makin gemokkk nii??'..I might choose not to answer :P.
Hello..I've been eating well..ape korang kesah?? haha
Lagipun semalam borak dengan Mama (my mom-inlaw), she told me that since I'm pregnant I can eat banyak2..coz lepas pantang boleh diet :D
And Hajar told me that while pantang, she actually loss 7kilos..ok la tuhh
I love food..speshly satay. Me and satay is like yeh and laksa, aur dengan tebing, lagu dan irama and all those kinds of things..
I remember once when I was very2 small, cant recall if it was early primary or still in tadika..but small lah..
My parents took us to a satay restaurant somewhere in Sg Buloh. Dulu, asal nak makan satay je mesti gi situ, coz the satay is really2 sedapppp!!
And if we go there..the whole family will have to sit there for quite a while letting me finish 20-50 cucuk of satay myself :D
So that kinda explains why I've been chubby all my life hahaha
Thank you to the person who first invented the satay recipe whoever and wherever you are..you are awesome!!
p/s: Abang, thank u..now nak balik Malaysia lambat sikit pun takpe hehe :P
aduihh.. dahler aku pon tgh tingin nk mkn sate nih. tetibe ko plak tunjuk gmba sate, agagaga! terlioq bebb.. terer ah kau dh pndai wat sate ye nad. taniah2.. hehe..
wow!! sodapnyer nampak!! nak ckit!!! :p
menariknya sate.. nk beli ar nnt! terliur aku d buatnya..
nad.. aku bukak paper 1st day raya.. ada pic ko n husband yg kat ruangan salam perantauan tuh.. hihihi
ema: hahah ye tengkiyu..lepas ni gi beli satay ok? tahniah untuk biskut2 raya dan juge kek oren ko yek
hawa: hahah..ala korang bleh beli jek kat mesia..huu jeles jeles
eh hawa, ko bg la no tepon aku ngan yeh kat hanan..nanti bile die free dah settle sume kat mansurah bagi die sms jek aku..nanti bile die dah ade nombor mesir senang aku nak call hanan kan kan hikhik :D
lina: haa beli jgn x beli..nanti aku balik mesia first thing aku cari pun semestinye satay hahah
a'a...kitorang gatal hanta gamba, x sangka kua 1st raya :D
tengkiyu lina hehehe
ema: hahah ye tengkiyu..lepas ni gi beli satay ok? tahniah untuk biskut2 raya dan juge kek oren ko yek
hawa: hahah..ala korang bleh beli jek kat mesia..huu jeles jeles
eh hawa, ko bg la no tepon aku ngan yeh kat hanan..nanti bile die free dah settle sume kat mansurah bagi die sms jek aku..nanti bile die dah ade nombor mesir senang aku nak call hanan kan kan hikhik :D
lina: haa beli jgn x beli..nanti aku balik mesia first thing aku cari pun semestinye satay hahah
a'a...kitorang gatal hanta gamba, x sangka kua 1st raya :D
tengkiyu lina hehehe
Nad, satay looking good. Nak buat senang dan simple. Cuma masaalah nak potong ayam, cucuk dan perap ambil masa. Anyway, When you go home, ask mama to make satay. We used to sell satay long time ago. For me, I think memang tak ada satay yg boleh lawan our own make one!
Anyway, looks like you are on the way of making a chef.
Tak pe makan banyak2. Nanti lepas pregnant pantang betul2. Masa kak opin pregnant kat sabeera, my weught before is 48kg. Going up to 64 before bersalin. And after 2 week, going down back to Normal. Tapi, faham2 je la..mama dengan tok memang strict pantang!
Anyway, bila balik malaysia nanti, jangan laju sangat nak makan tu ini. Out side food is not that healthy to baby! Homecook always the best! Walaupun susah. But will be beneficial for baby.
kak opin, orait hehe..tapi yeh x ingat pun mama x penah jual satay..patut la die x penah cerita :P
Thanks kak opin :D
aku tetibe je rasa teruja nak makan sate gak..
nampak cam menarik je sate buatan ko ngn yeh tu..
adekah rase nya jua semenarik gambarnya itu?
ek ele..heh..aku masak x sedap mane pun la ngah :D
kak nad, opening ur blog makes my saliva having extra work! haha.
seems like being there in Egypt has made u become more and more grateful of Malaysian food n indirectly turning u into a chef handalan! ;)
nanti balik malaysia boleh bukak rancangan masakan sniri!:p
nanti bila dah sampai masanya, bolehla azie mintak resipi kat kak nad. sekarang belum lagilaa. hehehe.
azie: hahahah i'm faaaar from being a chef la girl :P kaknad ni pandai la masak kalau sume pakai instant punye barang hehehe
mrs amie: sedaaaappp..hik hik :P
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