Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ginger & Cinnamon Tea
So just now, me and hubby went shopping for Raya preparation. And while doing that, I found my ginger & cinnamon tea! :D
Sampai je rumah, I teared open the packet just to see and smell the sachets inside..and was so delighted that the tea smells like cinnabon!! hehe I love love love the smell of cinnabon.
But hubby didn't like it though..he can only tollerate cinnamon in cookings :P.
And tonight, after cleaning the fridge and vomitting a few times..I decided to taste my newly bought tea. Well so far, so good..I'll update later on how the tea goes with my morning sickness..and if any of you has any other inputs regarding this tea..pls pls pls leave me a comment or message through my ym okie? Thanks.
Hmm..speaking of Raya..UK will be celebrating Eid tomorrow!! Yes, its a surprise for the UK people as well.
So for Kak Opin, Abg Jamal, Sabeera, Syameem, Sumrah and Seif..Happy Hari raya ok?
Kalau Kak Opin buat lemang tu pos la kat kami sama..haha :P
And for Faimee Chan, Naqi, Diey and Mai..Happy Hari Raya to all of u as well..jangan lupe ek kitorang kat mesir ni :D.
I think my mom and the whole family dah siap pegi minum kopi la kat Kedah tu. Knowing my father punye driving of course la they will arrive early..and safe insyaallah.
Seronoknye Raya ramai2 diorang tu..mesti ade karaoke session, BBQ session, Padang Besar session, Perlis Session and also mandi air terjun session..uu jeles jeles.
Tapi takpe..it's actually pretty exciting to celebrate Raya for the first time with a husband around :p. As Kak Opin puts it ' bila lagi nak raya berdua kan' hik hik..
So tadi we bought beef and hati untuk rendang. I even consulted Kak Opin on the nasi impit with beras arab recipe and hope to do it really2 well hehe. And maybe just maybe(kalau aku larat la) we'll buy ayam esok and buat kuah soto to eat with the nasi impit.
Sounds like a good plan eh? Hopefully so..
But so sad with the fact that we'll miss the satay at Rumah Perlis Fisrt day of Raya!!
Nak Satay!!
Pos la kat kitorang cikittt..
hik hik :P
Monday, September 29, 2008
Salam Aidilfitri dari Mesir
Alamatnye, seminggu la kitorang x dapat bace new updates kat blog kawan2..huiii..seminggu tuuuuhh.
Oit korang, sile balik awal sikit ye? hehe
Malam tadi lepas dinner aku rase mcm sehat sikit dah..walaupun sebelum tu dah 5-6kali aku muntah2.
Tengoklah, jap lagi kalau ok..aku nak ikut abg gi beli barang2 masak untuk raya.
Nak masak ape? Tah laaa..heheh
Wait n see...
Honestly aku dah start rindu ngan makanan malaysia..speshly nasikk.
Nasik Arab lain woo..makan sikit2 bole laa...tapi bile dah slalu sgt mcm xbleh nak masuk heheh.
Aku dah start berangan nak makan roti canai, nasi lemak sambal sotong, seafood, kue teow/bihun udang, sate, rendang tok..uish..terliur aku ni..jangan ngidam bukan2 sementara dok kat mesir ni udahh..:P
Jenuh la encik abe aku nak cari..
Actually time ni time tido..tapi tadi aku tido dah kejap, x pasti bape lame. Pastu tetibe aku terjage pastu borak2 ngan abang nak masak ape sume, pastu dah x bleh tido. Abang syok je tido..takpela..sian die letih jage ginik die sorang ni..heheh
Bak kate die ' ayang sorang pun dah macam 2' :P
Ala..perut aku rase x sedap dah ni..
Baiklah, sebelum aku byebye kat korang meh aku nak bagi ucapan sket
'Salam Aidilfitri kpd semua..Mintak maaf banyak2, zahir batin. Kalau ade tersilap kate ke, terbuat ape2 yg korang x suke ke kan..mintak maaf banyak2 ek. Kalau nak aku mintak maaf secare personally pun bleh..tapi korang message la aku suh aku mintak maap kat korang personally, insyaallah aku buat, no problem!
Untuk yang kat perantauan gak mcm kitorang ni..jangan nangis2..kite beraye lagi syok dr org kat mesia okeh?? hihi nanti balik kite balas dendam raya puas2.
Untuk yang beraye kat rumah sendiri..aa jgn lupe gi smayang raye.
Untuk yang beraye kat rumah mertua..senyum2lah selalu..syok oo org dah kawen, bleh merase raya kat rumah mertua.
Untuk yang nak kawen/tunang lepas raya ni..tahniahh..pos la sikit nasik minyak kat kami
Dan untuk yang beraye sambil berpeknen dan bermorning sickness mcm aku ni..tahla aku pun tatau nak ucap ape..semoge x morning sickness la pagi raye tu yee hihi'
okla..ucapan pun dah ngarut2 sebab aku pun dah pening2 ni..
nak kejut abang suh bangun sahur pulakk..
huhu..sile la doakan aku kuat untuk mengemas rumah sebelum raya ni!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Surviving Morning Sickness
The morning sickness attack has worsen.
Tak boleh makan pape, tak boleh minum pape..and nothing sound good except for fillet o fish Mcdonalds.
Tapi too bad lah..kat Tanta takde McD, and McD is soo not good for preggie moms.
And what's worst is, aku mcm lembik..nak jalan2 pun x larat..and I hate the smell of perfumes..of any kind, not even deodorant. I even hate my own smell.
ish..hope all this will disappear lah soon kan..
It will..It will..Insyallah..
Hmm ok..have fun reading this article okeh..
Morning sickness
is the nauseated feeling you experience in your first trimester. It usually starts out in the morning and wears off as you become active throughout your day. Not all morning sickness remedies will work for you, but these are just a few remedies and comforts that have helped other women get through their day.
A day in the life of morning sickness:
In the Morning:
Allow yourself plenty of time to get out of bed. If you usually get up at 6 a.m. set your alarm for 5 a.m. It is a good idea to keep a stash of crackers or dry cereal by your bed so you can put something in your stomach as soon as you wake up. Get out of bed slowly as you start your day.
During the Day:
Eat small meals throughout the day to avoid getting too full or too hungry. Progesterone slows the speed of food passing through your digestive tract. To further prevent your stomach from getting too full or too empty, you should drink fluids a 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with your meals. But DO drink fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
Get plenty of rest when you can. This is especially important if you have to get up early in the morning. But DON'T take a nap right after a meal. This can cause nausea to be worse.
Avoid foods or smells that make your nausea worse, and avoid being in warm places, which can increase your nausea.
In the Evening:
For dinner avoid spicy, greasy foods. Prepare things that are bland and do not have a strong odor. You may have to avoid cooking in the kitchen for the first trimester.
Most importantly, go to bed early! You need your rest to have the energy to get up early and do it all over again. If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, try to eat something from your bedside stash!
Suggested Meals to Eat:
- Cold foods (sandwiches, raw vegetables, salad when properly prepared to prevent listeria)
- Bland foods (chicken soup, broth, plain baked potato)
- Plain vegetables or fruits
- Keep meals small, but eat as frequently as you need to
Suggested Snacks to Eat:
- Lemons (eat them, suck on them, sniff them)
- Ginger (ginger ale soda, ginger tea, ginger jam on toast, ginger snaps)
- Peppermint tea
- Crackers
- Gelatin Jell-O
- Flavored popsicles
- Pretzels
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Proses pembotakkan rambut berjaya!!
Husband aku dah kembali kebentuk asal menjadi shaolin the 2nd!! I like :D
Walaupun dah 2 kali aku tulun2 membotakkan rambut nih..aku still x pandai lagik gune razor tuh..tapi ade la improvement sket..
Takkesah la kan kan? Lama2 pandai la kan?
Asalkan end result die ok kan? (walaupun dlm proses tu penuh dgn 'ouch!', 'aa abis tarik rambut abg!!', 'takut la kawan2 abang gelakkan abang', dll) :D
Orang dah ramai start balik kampung. Family aku pun nak balik Kedah Isnin ni.
Oklah..aku ucapkan selamat hari raya lah untuk semua ek?
Makan ketupat ke, lemang ke, kuih raya tu ke..ingat2 la same kat kitorang ni ehh
hik hik
Korang, masuk la sini :
Kad Raya untuk korang
Selamat Hari Raya..Maaf Zahir dan Batin ye sume..
uh uh..syahdu..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Khasiat Buah Delima @ Ar-Rumman
Manis! Aku pun ape lagi..syok2 aa makan. Tetibe teringat..eh, org pregnant bleh ke ek makan buah delima?? so aku did a li'l search, and found this!
- orang kate makan buah delima nanti anak cerdik
- orang kate lagi, kalau makan buah delima nanti anak ade lesung pipit! hihi takkesahlaa..
- Ada yang kata buah delima baik untuk perkembangan otak bayi, dan ada yang kata, kalau kita makan buah delima semasa mengandung, anak yang lahir akan kelihatan cantik dan comel, insyaAllah.
- diantara hikmah memakan buah delima semasa mengandung ialah apabila org melihat wajah anak itu, hati akan merasa belas dan kasihan kepadanya.
- A study published in Pediatric Research found that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy helped protect newborns' brains during traumatic births.
- Pomegranate seeds are eaten to have quality and quantity of babies.
- Dalam banyak budaya, delima melambangkan kesuburan dan panjang usia. Orang Cina misalnya menyajikannya sewaktu upacara perkahwinan karena ia dianggap lambang kesuburan, kemakmuran dan keturunan besar.
- Khasiatnya tinggi kaya dengan zat sodium, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin C, kalsium dan forsforus. Ia juga sejenia penawar karena kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi bagi penyakit jantung, cepat tua dan barah.
- Dalam perubatan Yunani dan homeopati, delima dapat mengubati cirit birit, sakit telinga, pandangan kabur, sakit gusi dan kurang lawas pengahadhaman.
Manfaat : membantu jantung, dimana jus delima ini kaya antioksidan yang membantu mencegah penyumbatan pada pembuluh darah arteri oleh kolesterol. Jus delima ini juga dihubungkan dengan pencegahan terjadinya kanker prostat.
Jus ini dilengkapi dengan vitamin A, C dan E serta asam folat yang penting pada tahap awal kehamilan.
- Mengelakkan alahan bagi wanita mengandung.
- Buah delima atau dari segi saintifiknya Punica granatum mempunyai pelbagai keistimewaan, selain dari sedap dimakan ,ia juga mempunyai kebaikan dari segi kesihatan.Zat besi yang terdapat dalam buah delima dianggap sebagai unsur penting dalam pembentukan darah merah. Seseorang yang kekurangan zat besi akan mengalami penyakit anemia. Buah delima juga boleh memperbaiki usus-usus dan menguatkannya, membersihkan bahagian dalam tekak serta sesuai untuk mereka yang mengalami masalah batuk. Walaupun begitu buah delima masam juga boleh mencegah dari muntah, menghentikan cirit-birit dan melawaskan air kencing.Ini kerana buah delima mengandungi bahan pengcengkam yang mampu memegang dinding saluran perut.
(psst..syok gak kalau anak ade lesung pipit kan?? wakakaka)
anyway dalam Qur'an pun ade tulis pasal buah delima ni, so aku yakinlah..buah delima ni banyak khasiat die yang bagus2..meh aku paste sket lagi..
Buah Delima
Buah Delima (rumman ) dalam Al Quran disebutkan di beberapa tempat, yaitu dalam Surat Al An’am 99 dan 141, serta Ar Rahman 68.
Dalam sebuah hadits mauquf dan marfu’, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda bahwa Buah Delima termasuk buah surga. “ Tak satupun buah delima yang kalian tanam, melainkan ia dibuahi dengan biji buah delima surga”. Harb dan lainnya meriwayatkan juga dari Ali bin Abi Thalib bahwa Rasulullah bersabda yang artinya, “ Makanlah Buah Delima beserta minyak dan atau lemaknya karena ia dapat mengaktifkan pencernaan” (HR. Imam Ahmad). Ibnu Qayyim dalam Buku At Tibb An Nabawi, berkata tentang buah delima’ “ Sesungguhnya buah delima itu sangat baik untuk perut karena dapat menguatkannya”.
Bagian bagian Buah Delima, terutama kulit luarnya mengandung asam tanat ( Tannic Acid) yaitu zat pembasmi dan pembersih bakteri. Sedangkan jika diperas (dibikin jus) selain mengandung Tannic Acid juga zat gula mentol dan unsur besi dalam jumlah yang cukup tinggi. Menurut Ilmu Kedokteran, Buah Delima mempunyai manfaat antara lain; mengobati diare, ambeien, pelega nafas, cacingan, radang gusi, radang lambung dan obat mata.
Wellll..to all preggy mommies out there..jom la makan buah delima! :D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
saye buat cakoi
Cakoi ialah sejenis kuih.
Maaf sebab tak dapat upload gambar. Tak dapat upload gambar kerana internet ini berkeadaan bengong, seperti tuannye.
Semalam saye chat dgn adik saye, anisah. Dia telah show off kate die makan cakoi yg dibeli dengan senang lenang di pasar ramadhan.
Sape suruh die show off? Tentulah dia yang salah!
Bila dia show off, saye mule terase ingin makan cakoi.
Ingin makan cakoi gile-gile punye ah!
So saye cari resepi cakoi. Saye cari resepi yang paling kurang bahan2 dia, dan yang paling mudah.
Jadi tadi, saye pun buat cakoi.
Saye uli tepung, somi saye yg baik tu tlg goreng tau. Baik tau somi saye :D
Tapi oleh kerana saye tidak ikut arahan, maka cakoi saye jadi biskut.
Sepatutnye saye tunggu doh naik selame 30minit - sejam.
Tapi saye tunggu 15minit je sebab saye tak sabar.
Saye try goreng 1. Dia jadi keras macam biskut dan tak kembung pun.
Saye marah doh tersebut, somi saye pun turut menyokong saye. Somi saye kate nanti kite balik mesia kite beli cakoi banyak2 punye.
Saye pun gembira. Rupenye cakoi2 yang lepas2 tu jadi cantik..sebab waktu tunggu turn diorang untuk digorengkan tepungnye dah pun naik.
Saye suke! :D
Saye berjanji untuk mengikut arahan lain kali!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
8days to the end of Ramadhan 2008
Alhamdulillah, Thank U Allah.
I've been given a very big and meaningful present on the day before 1st Ramadhan..and guiltily admitting that me and hubby have actually kept the good news to ourselves.
And now..drumroll please!! I'm spreading this joy around :D
I'm about 8weeks pregnant, and so far, the scans, the blood and urine works has given us very very good results Alhamdulillah. Good results means reassurance speshly to me and hubby, that everything is going to be ok Insyaallah.
And with this, it also means that me and hubby would be celebrating Eid by ourselves..and not going back to celebrate it with the students in Kaherah.
We'll be missing everyone -sisters/brothers- in Rumah Perlis. But we also know that even without us, u guys are gonna have so much fun anyway :D.
Sorry for not being able to accept the job doing all the cenderamata..it's just that Kaherah is too far for us to travel..too far for a pregnant lady to be riding a van/train all the way..hope our acts are not misunderstood :).
But as I said earlier, we'll miss everyone, everyone and everyone..and the food ofcoz!!
Talking about food..
Since we are gonna be spending Eid by ourselves, me and hubby would be buzy!
Hahaha..jangan ingat celebrate 2 orang akan jadi tak best ok!! We'll make it fun :D
We're planning to buat some satay! Since we don't have the BBQ set, we'll just gonna goreng the satay haha (nasib baik the instant rempah gives us instruction for the goreng version).
Then we're gonna make nasi impit, rendang..and maybe laksa or lontong?
haha ambitious gile :p.
Its just a plan, but we'll see what we can do..we'll seee :D
So for this remaining Ramadhan, me and hubby will keep on going to Maidah Rahman (bukak puasa kat masjid). Mainly because I can't cook..I hate the smell, kesian hubby nak kene masak, we want to taste Arab food, and plus to solat maghrib secare berjemaah with friends :D.
Its a very good deal ok..the food is nice although menu is kinda limited. We get delicious fish, beef and ayam panggang alternate days with some dessert or air kotak..for free la kan, kate buke kat masjid heh. Syok tau!
hmm..Abang's result will be out anytime soon.
We're praying very hard for him to ecxell..please pray for him too ok? :)
Thank you.
p/s: Thanks shila for announcing yours..I got the courage from there :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Jangan jilat stemm!!!
One day she licked the envelopes and postage stamps instead of using a sponge. That very day the lady found a cut on her tongue. A week later, she noticed an abnormal swelling of her tongue. She went to the doctor, and they found nothing wrong. Her tongue was not sore or anything. A couple of days later, her tongue started to swell more, and it began to get really sore, so sore, that she could not eat. She went back to the hospital, and demanded something be done. The doctor took an x-ray of her tongue and noticed a lump. He prepared her for minor surgery. When the doctor cut her tongue open, a live cockroach crawled out!!!!
There were cockroach eggs on the seal of the envelope. The egg was able to hatch inside of her tongue, because of her saliva. It was warm and moist...
This is a true story reported on CNN
Andy Hume wrote:
Hey, I used to work in an envelope factory. You wouldn't believe the....things that float around in those gum applicator trays. I haven't licked an envelope for years!' I used to work for a print shop (32 years ago) and we were told NEVER to lick the envelopes. I never understood why until I had to go into storage and pull out 2500 envelopes that were already printed and saw several squads of cockroaches roaming around inside a couple of boxes with eggs everywhere. They eat the glue on the envelopes.
After reading this you will never lick another envelope or stamp again!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It's Common Sense :D
I'm sorry for lashing out, but note that this is not for you..this is for the others with no common sense.
As for you, I already told you that I'm confrontational..I hate keeping things inside, I hate revenge.
(But sometimes revenge is sweet though..but only, only to some ppl :D)
This article below is for 'support people'.
See, when you are a friend or a family member of a person who has lost whatever she had lost..u became her 'support people'.
No, u don't have to be her pillow or osim chair..u just need to have common sense.
Read this one up, you'll understand.
- Do ask, "How are you doing?"
- Do be ready to listen, despite the sensitivity of this topic.
- Do remember that you can't take away her pain, but you can listen and help her feel less alone.
- Do let your genuine concern and care show.
- If the mother chooses to talk about the embryo/fetus as a 'baby', let her. Don't try and argue the medical details of when it actually becomes a 'baby'.
- Do say you are sorry about her pain.
- Do accept her moods, whatever they may be! You are not there to judge. Be sensitive, and expect frequent shifting moods.
- Do get literature about depression and the grief process to help you understand.
- Do allow her the respect to grieve and be sad as you would for a mother who lost a baby through a miscarriage.
- Don't think that the gestational "age" of the pregnancy determines its value and impact.
- Don't minimize her feelings, sadness or grief, by saying there must be 'something more' than just the abortion that is causing her such distress.
- Don't be afraid to touch or hug her, it can often be more comforting than words.
- Don't avoid her because you feel helpless or uncomfortable, or don't know what to say.
- Don't change the subject when she mentions her abortion/miscarriage. Try to just listen, and hear what she wants to say.
- Don't push the mother through the grieving process, it takes a long time to heal and they never really forget.
- Don't encourage the use of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Don't ask her how she feels if you aren't willing or don't have the time to listen.
- Don't say you know how she feels, unless you have been in the same situation.
- Don't (even if you are hurt and feel the need to lash out) say: "You would have made a bad mother." Or the variation "You weren't ready anyway." or any other comment that demeans her ability as a mother or prospective mother.
- Don't tell her what she should feel or do.
- Don't look at her situation and put a time frame on her healing, and say "You should feel better by now!" (This will only make her feel worse, "oh god, not only is she falling apart after her abortion/misscarriage, but she is inconveniencing everyone else by not 'being over it by now!")
Oh but well, I shouldn't have even bothered to lash out my anger..or to post this up.
Some people never will understand..but please prove to me that you do, and that my effort to post this up is all worthwhile.
Thank you.
Ya Allah, please oh please grant me some patience..
Interesting - Philosophy of Charles Schultz
But my temp. is still quite high and coughing. My batuk bunyik macam batuk kering ok..soo..don't like!
My tekak is very sore and very gatal, macam ade tulang tersekat kat tekak dan gatal..sangat gatal.
Abang pun now kat rumah kawan, kul 1 pagi lom balik lagi..tapi malas nak jadi polis suh balik rumah cepat. heh biarlah..let him have his 'me-and-frenz' time.
So..was looking thru my email and found this.
Very interesting, and I find it very true.
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the
"Peanuts" comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions.
Just read this straight through and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the 'Miss America'.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and
certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the
ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They
are the ones that care.
Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
tomorrow in Australia ." (Charles Schultz)
A Quote from one Phd., Dr. Ben Lee, " People Don't Care How Much You Know
until they Know How Much You Care."
Friday, September 19, 2008
But since I am only a housewife, I get my complete rest..and lucky me, no need for any Mc's :).
'I'd rather do nothing and be happy than do something I know I don't love. ' - a quote frm what happens in Vegas.
Yes, I am sick..and even though I get my complete rest..this fever and flu and vomiting and these horrible feelings doesn't seem to go away.
Pity Yeh, he had to take over all my house chores. And when I say All, I mean All.
Love u Abang.
I love food, to see food, to smell food, to eat food.
But I hate food when it all comes out into the toilet bowl within 1hour after eating, and the next hour, and then the next hour..
Ok, gross I know..I don't care hahah :P
hmm..ok, i'm not complaining..and shouldn't be complaining.
I should end this now.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A reason to celebrate :)
hmm..so tadi kitorang berbuke dgn mo'men- fast food egypt mari..burgers and burgers and burgers :D tapi sampai skang lom abis lagik burgernye hehe (takyah masak sahur :P)
there shd be more reasons to celebrate..do pray for us yeah?
Thank you Allah..
Congratulations to us!!
Thank you 'tayang' for ur love..hik hik hik :D
Monday, September 15, 2008
I love..
*I challenge you to make your own list. The only catch? You can’t include a single person you know on your list. No “I love the way my husband laughs” or “I love hearing my little girl call for me.” It’ll be tough, I know. (Think about it, I couldn’t include MOLLY on my list.) But this particular little exercise is about stripping away everyone who defines you and figuring out what you (not his partner; not their mother/daughter/sister/friend) love.
I love:
to eat
eating satay, nasi lemak, nasi goreng cili api and most Malaysian food
to sleepthe rain
the sea and mountains and hills and trees
the breeze, the rainbow, the snow, the sun and moon
being happy
having fun
the color white
the calm feeling after prayers
the feelings i have now
my orange kelisa - or used to be
birthdays, anniversaries
ice creams, donuts, cinnabon, chocolates and all the fattening stuff
surprises -well, only good surprises
to be able to see the Ka'abah once again, the feeling is indescribable
the sawah padi
to berkubang in the bendang..hmmm :)
my teddy bear, my nemo, my comot
to pull out my hair out of boredom
go dating
my stripy socks
making desserts
being successful
being healthy
going places-------------------
alamak azie, if i were to list everything that i love..sure cam x cukup space kat internet ni hehehe
sooo...pls give me an A+ ok? Thanks in advance! Hehe :D
and i'm assigning this task to Miza, Shy, Mun, Pa'ah, KakCT and Kak Opin, that is... only if you guys have the time or the willingness to do this :D (see, I'm a very lenient task assigner hehehe)
Good Luck and Selamat Berpuasa!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tomyam lagik :D
Tukang masak? mestilah encik yeh :D
Si isteri die yg mengade ni telah berusaha memujuk lakinye utk buat tomyam..sebab kalau lakinye ni buat tomyam memang sedap sangat! :D
Lepas terawih malam tadi, kawan yeh call ajak cari lampu ramadhan kat tanta.
Berpusing2lah kami 1 tanta sampai kul 1230++ demi lampu itu. Tapi unfortunately lampu tersebut telah abis dijual..rupenye time limit dia sampai 10 Syawal jekk.
Masa kitorang stop bertanye kat satu kedai ni, sempat jugak la kami kene nasihat hehe.
Kate ammu kedai ni, bida'ah pasang2 lampu ni.
Uh uh ..ouch!
Aku tanye abang, apsal lak bleh jadi bida'ah? Yeh kate sebab zaman nabi takde..
hoh..kamu nilai lah sendiri ape2 yang kamu nak nilai ye :D
Hmm..dah 14 Ramadhan, bulan pun dah full moon.
Cantik sangat.
Lagi 2minggu dah start raya pulak.
Sedihkan Ramadhan dah nak abis?
Sementara kite sibuk2 tunggu raya dan beli macam2 keperluan raya..moh le kite tingkatkan amal ibadah kite.
Semoge segala amal baik kite diterima Allah, Amin.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tagged by Mieza
1. my handsomest husband :D
2. 'the 7weeks'
3. my family
4. taking pictures
5. eat!
6. my laptop
7. my handphone
8. new experience
9. babies & toddlers
10. chocolates
11. tanta(the place where I currently am)
12. putrajaya/cyberjaya (no jams, no tolls)
13. my bestest friends!!!!
12 movies you like: [in no particular order]
3.Dark Knight
4.The Saw
5. Starwars
6. PRamlee
7. One Litre of Tears
8. Once
9. Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham
10. Kuch Kuch Hota Hei
11. Dil Cahta Hai
12. Shaolin Soccer
11 bands/artists: [in no particular order]
1. xpdc
2. the pair from Once- Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova
3. MCR
4. MNasir
5. Swift Taylor
6. Delta Goodrem
7. Amr Dhiab
8. Cleopatra Stratans - if u dunno her, search youtube lagu gita ok
9. KRU - once upon atime :D
10. Conway Twitty
11. Muhamad Elyas Harun :D hehe
10 things about you physically & personality wise:
1. pendek dan gemok wahahaha
2. pandai masak
3. berbudi bahasa
4. sopan santun
5. ramah mesra
6. jiwa murni
7. baik
8. pandai
9. bijak
10. suke tipu haha
9 songs for your wedding: [in no particular wedding]
Had my wedding, so here goes
1. teratai - karaoke by the family :P
2. Hingga menutup mata
3. Selawat
4. tah..tu je kot
8 fav drinks/food: [in no particular order]
1. Sate
2. Hardees
3. Nasi Goreng Cili Api
4. Laksa
5. ABC
6. Cendol
7. Juices
8. Air Kosong
7 things you always wear:
1. cincin kawen
2. gelang
3. perfume
4. deodorant
5. tudung
6. baju
7. seluar/kain
6 pet peeves: [in no particular order]
1. people who befriend you with the sole-intention of using you to the max, then leave, then spreading to the whole world of any sifat mazmumah you have..forgetting that they themselves are soooo not perfect.
2. people who thinks they know the reason of my recent micarriage- me playing bowling. Hello, I played bowling when I was NOT pregnant. And pls don't accuse me for the miscarriage, it hurts.
3. ass-kissers
4. annoying attention seekers
5. backstabbers
6. dirty toilets
5 things you touch everyday: [in no particular order]
1. Me
2. My Handsomest Husband :D
3. My Teddy Bear (sometimes she is called Nyla, Bobo, or BearBear)
4. My Laptop
5. My Dapur
4 shows you watch: [in no particular order]
1. Have not been watching any..
3 celebrities:
1. Don't know, Don't care hehe
2 current wishes:
1. For my '7weeks' to be perfectly okay!
2.For my handsomest husband to pass his exams with flyflyflying colorss!!
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. Muhamad Elyas Harun, My Boyfriend cum My Handsomest Husband hehe
No one, too many questions.
Thanks mieza for tagging me, memang takde idea nak update pun ni :D
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The truth is, I rarely do.
What more can a wife ask for, then seeing her husband finishes a plate full of 'kuih keria' by himself and eating his Mee Bandung very fast but very quietly.
When he-my husband eats silently but at a full speed, it means just one thing : He thinks it's delicious!
Ok, the mee bandung was easy peasy lemon squeezy. Had chicken, had onions, then I just threw in the Perencah Mee Bandung Adami. Diced some capsicum, kacang panjang, tomatoes and onions as ulam. Boiled eggs. And there u have it!
But the kuih keria, yes it was my absolute own. The best thing was this time, I managed to shape them nicely into shapes of 'tayar' :D.
See how proud I am of myself? uuu..haha
I'm not here to boast, in fact, I was actually known as someone who don't know how to cook (at school, MMU and at a room i rented in 2006) :D.
How humiliating is that?
Back then, I only knew a few recipes. Heck, I even only learnt to goreng telur after graduating from MMU!!
Yupp..plain humiliation to self.
Then I met Yeh.
No, he never asked me to cook for him while we were only dating.
But somehow, I cought a glimpse of our future..together..uuh..cheesyy
So, that's when I started learning. At first it only seems like the impossible.
I try finding easy recipes, bought my first buku resepi bergambar at MPH with Tim hehe.
My first try was : Cheese Cake! Which my cheese cake lover brother loves soo much.
He even asked me once ' Kakyah, macam mane kakyah bleh wat cheesecake sedap camni?'
Owh..a question sooo flattering :P.
I wonder how he does with girls..hmm :D
Anyway, then after that I moved on to harder ones like fruit cakes, muffins, gulai, nasi tomato and the rests.
Alhamdulillah before flying off Egypt, I had some recipes memorized.
Ahh ...I suddenly remembered how I managed to blew up my Brahim's Rendang while heating it in a microwave whilst on honeymoon. Lucky Yeh was not in the house to witness my lack of IQ using the microwave haha.
Uhm well, now married for like 8 months? And having to cook almost everyday..today is one of the days I felt I succeed ..hmm smiling smiling all the wayyy..(don't burst my bubble ok)
I have no pictures of my own cooking to put up coz of this lousy internet connection.
Well, maybe after Ramadhan...or just before it ends.
Who knows? Who knows the internet might behave tonight? Or even tomorrow? Should I hope? Should I?
End of story
Tomorrow Yeh is taking another exam, his final paper InsyaAllah.
Tonight..he is going crazy over books and notes. He just said it 'Abang dah Gilaa! BlaBlaBla' dengan mata terbeliak n senyum sorang2 :p.
Semoga dapat jawab pekse elok2 esok, dan najah dengan cemerlang! Aaamiiinnnnnnn.
hehe I know u can..Just Do It! Bak kate sapetah.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Happy Birthday Munira Azman!
From My Wedding Picture ( Elyas & Nadiah ) |
Happy Birthday Mun!
Yang mane satu Mun? Tentulah yang pakai kebaye putih yg berdiri sebelah pengantin tuuhh.
Opps..yang pakai suit sebelah pengantin lelaki tu nama die Lan. Lan die cume partner business Mun je ek, no gossip2.
Mun ni masih single, tapi nak tau ebelebel ke tak..sile tanye tuan punye badan okeh?
Mun pandai buat muffin tau..tak cayer cuba la rasa muffin Mun buat, sedapp!
Tengkiyu Mun jadi kawan aku sejak skolah menengah sampai la skarang, one of my BFFs, peneman aku bile kua ngan yeh, pengapit aku time akad nikah and kenduri, photographer aku, antara org kuat masa kenduri aku haritu dan dan dan..(banyak sangat ni nak tulis)
Mun, aku mintak maaf banyak2 tak dapat nak sms awal2..tetibe takde kredit, leceh btol.
Takpe Mun, ni khas utk ko:
Awan berarak ceria tiada titisan hujan,
Pohon melambai tanda sokongan,
Kususuri perjalanan bertemankan senyuman,
Dihari lahirmu sahabatku,
Dedaun berguguran,
Membuktikan kedewasaan,
Walau tanpa madah dan hadiah,
Namun cukup untukmu sekadar ucapan…
Selamat Hari Lahir,
Iringan doa kuhulur,
Bersyukur kepada-Nya,
Atas nikmat usia,
Awan berarak ceria tiada titisan hujan,
Pohon melambai tanda sokongan,
Dihari lahirmu sahabatku,
Usiamu ibarat mutiara,
Tiada berganti lagi,
Hiaskan iman bersulam taqwa,
Agar sempat menuju haruman syurgawi,
Selamat Hari Lahir,
Iringan doa kuhulur,
Bersyukur kepada-Nya,
Atas nikmat usia.
Cewah! Nyanyi jangan tak nyanyi :D
Mun Mun..Semoge panjang umur, dan dirahmati Allah selalu.
Oh, pinjam tagline Pa'ah.
Moga ditemui apa dicari..ehems :)
Walaupun kitorang ni jauh beribu2 batu, tapi kitorang setiap hari doa untuk ko.
Be strong always..wa caya sama lu!
p/s: Mun..aku mintak maaf banyak2 kalau ade salah silap..speshly pagi lepas kenduri kat putrajaya tu. Aku ngan Yeh bangun lambat dah nak gi honeymoon (siap terlepas flight :P)..pastu x sempat nak cakap babai dan tengkiyu kat ko yg tengah tido. Sian ko bangun2 aku ngan yeh dah tadde..
Sorry Mun!! Tapi Tengkiyu sangat for everything! :) And I really mean..for Everything :)
Semalam kitorang bz tengok Cakde! (cerite hindustan), sedar2 je ade lagi 1 jam nak berbuke. Nak dijadikan cerite ayam daging sume habis..terpakselah siap2 gi tengok kot2 kedai bukai. Uh..kompem tutup..masetu rasa mcm nak buke KFC jek, tapi bas pulak takde.
Then teringat..eh minced meat yang beli buat Bakso haritu ade sikit lagi..pasta pun ade..
Terus rush balik rumah buat spegeti! Lenyek2 pisang, buat cekodok plak!
Uh..walaupun pelik, spegeti dan cekodok pisang..tapi kami tetap kenyang dan gembire :D Alhamdulillah!
Hari sebelum tu buat daging masak merah ngan kerabu mangga. Kerabu Mangga tu yeh yg buat..1 mangkuk tu abis skali makan kitorang 2 org! Best gile!
Moral of the story: Jangan nak tengok cerite hindustan 2-3jam nak berbuke okeh!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Happy bday Hawa Liyana!
Ye..ini gambar kawen mereka (Hawa & Shah) yang aku lambat post kat blog :p
Tapi pic ni pun aku curik je dari frienster si Hawa Liyana neh ha.
Dan skang die dah pun peknen nak masuk 3 bulan..dan sedang teruk morning evening dan night sickness. Kesian die..tapi walau ape pun..Happy Birthday Hawa!! :D
Alhamdulillah..kenyang :D
Berduakah lebih baik? hmmmm........
Thursday, September 04, 2008
4th Ramadhan
Semalam tengahari dok lepak2 dengan Yeh teman die study, sambil2 tu hint2 la kate daging abis la..beras dah nak abis la..hehe biaselakan. Tetibe ade org ketuk pintu rumah. Suspen!
Rupenye jiran atas rumah kitorang ni datang bagi beras 2kilo, kurma 1kilo, gula 1paket ngan ayam mentah sekor.
Syukur tak terhingga, alhamdulillah..tak payah nak keluar gi beli barang makanan utk minggu ni hehe. Dahla time ni musim panas, puasa plak tu, fatigue gile plak tu 2-3 harini..uii mau pensan kami.
So buke puasa semalam, juadahnye ialah nasik ayam! Memandangkan takde timun dan salad, nasik ayam kami berulamkan kacang panjang, gargil dan tomato. Gargil tu ape? Gargil tu sejenis ulam mesir yg penuhh dengan khasiat. Bak kate org la kan 'kalau tahu khasiat gargil ni, gerenti tanam bawah katiilll!!'
Kenapa tanam bawah katil? Aku pun tatau.
Aku rase nak tengok Dark Knight la..tunggu nak donlod tak klua2 lagi yg elok. Dengar kate DVD klua Christmas..betul ke?
Agak2 kalau gi tengok wayang bulan puasa ni..ok tak?
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Makanan dan Puasa
Aku nak masak ape harini? Aku pun tatau lagi
Semalam buat sup daging, bergedil, sambal belacan, telur goreng dgn cucur keledek.
Ape itu cucur keledek? Versi kuih keria yang diconvertkan menjadi cucur kerana tak cukup tepung nak dibuat bentuk tayar. Haa..resepi baru ni..sedap, cube korang try. Salut ngan gula sikit, maka rasa kuih tersebut akan jadi sebijik cam keria. Oh marvelous!



Tq Ema yg baik!
Hihi....uuu..tetibe rasa nak beraya kat mesia..
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Puasa Day 1
Yesterday was my first day fasting abroad, my first day fasting in Egypt, my first day fasting with a husband he he
Before berbuka semalam we went to Souq Gaban di Tanta, nak beli sayur, buah, manisan atau ape2 yang patut.
Walaupun sini takde Bazaar Ramadhan, dan air yg dijual kat tepi jalan ade dua kaler je (hitam dan putih), kemeriahan tu kire dapat rasa la.
Air hitam tu Air Tamarhind (ala yg dlm ayat2 cinta tu) ngan yang putih tu Air Sobya. Air Sobya ni aku tatau apemende, tapi Arab suke minum Tamarhind + Sobya.
Kitorang beli semalam, try la campur..selama ni dok minum Tamarhind kosong je..alamak, tak lalu pulak tekak ni nak telan :P.
Ni baru lepas sahur nak tunggu solat subuh. Sahur tadi buat nasi goreng, goreng popadom, makan yogurt, buah tamar fresh, ngan air nesquick. Banyak tak kitorang makan? Hehe
Harini berbuka abg mintak sediakan ape2 jenis kuih..uih, mane la reti..stakat karipap tu boleh la kan..tapi, mane nak lalu setiap hari makan karipap kan? Uh..I miss Bazaar Ramadhan :P
Oleh itu kawan, aku menyeru sesape yg ade resepi kuih yang senang2, sile2 la bagi kat aku ok.
Meanwhile..mencari resepi kuihla aku kat internet sepanjang puasa ni hehehehe
**Gambar takde, xleh aplod..lenkali ek